||Chapter 15||

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Tommy POV

His soft lips connected with my skin and he kissed my neck gently. I got butterflies and he pulled me to his chest as he gave one more kiss and I made a soft noise.

I can't do this. We can't be anything-

I shoved him off, "That's assault dummy!"

"I told you to say no- Basically asking before I did anything." He argued.

"St- Still...." I gulped.

Okay technically- he's right.

"You don't want this?" He asked and stepped back closer, "Tell me no if you don't want this."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Fucking shit! Why?! Why can't I do anything right! Just speak idiot!

He smiled and grabbed my waist. He kissed up and down my neck again. My breathing slowly got heavy. He moved his hand under my shirt and rubbed my bare side. I bit my lip nervous. He licked a spot very lightly and then bit me.

Say no!

"Ah!- Ranboo! What the heck!" I winced and grabbed his shoulders as his hands rub me softly, "Damit!"

I didn't say no.

I guess I- I guess I want this?

But I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't!

He sucked on my skin and nibbled on me. I'd let him finish- then this would be over.

He pulled away from the marking and kissed it gently. Now he moved to my face. He smiled and leaned in. For a second I closed my eyes ready for what was supposed to- or going to happen. I guess I did really want it. His kisses....his affection.


I opened my eyes, "No."

He bit his lip and opened his eyes. His lips less then an inch from mine, "Really?"

I nodded then spoke, "No more- the rest was fine."

He sighed and pulled back. He removed his hand from under my shirt and let my waist go. He fluffed my hair and then rest his hand at his sides, "So....are you staying or going?"

I put my hood on, "Going."

He nodded and then hugged me. I was suprised....I don't get hugs. He hummed and hugged me tighter. He kissed my neck and I flinched.

I pushed him back and kicked his private part, "Dummy! I said no!"

Honestly I had just gotten scared because he did it with no warning. Where as before he let me know he was coming in.

"Fuck! Ah!- It was just a goodbye!" He winced covering himself.

I blushed, "D- Don't touch me without a warning dummy."

He scoffed, "It was just a neck kiss!"

"So?! It's my body- You can't touch me freely, okay!? Keep your hands and lips to yourself from now on!" I said upset.

He huffed, "You act like I totally violated you. While you kicked my private!"

"But you touched first- It was self defense!" I argued.

"Self defense from what!?" He scoffed again.

"Just- Just stay away from me-" I said and walked out.

"Cloak Boy! Don't go!" He called desperately, "Stay!"

I pulled my hood down more to cover my face completely, I can't believe I let it get that far!

God I'm such an idiot!

When he finds out who I really am....He'll want nothing but me dead.

I wish he hadn't of done that...Cause now I- Now I-....I know it's all true. I know I-.....

I sniffled as my eyes got teary. I breathed heavily as I made my way out of the building completely. I jogged off and towards the forest as my vision became blurry. Finally it was too much to hold back- My breath hitched and tears poured over.

As they spilled down my cheeks one by one I wondered, Of all the people. Why'd I have to fall for him?

I made it to the forest then ran towards my house. I didn't stop once. Even though it was really hard to breathe because of my never ending sobs.

As I finally arrived I removed my hood and wiped my face with my sleeve. Then I climbed up the tree and into the tree house. I took a shaky breath and yelled, "Life isn't fair!"

I fell to my knees and cried, I can't ever have one good thing in life. Everything goes to shit. Everything I ever cared about was taken away from me....and all because of me too.

First mom and dad...

Next was Will.

Right after...Techno.

Then Tubbo.

And now.....you.


Tubbo POV

I can only ever see what Tommy allows me to see. He has to be incredibly focused or distressed for me to be blocked out.

So not knowing what was happening right now was difficult. Obviously this meant he didn't want me to see any of this. Or perhaps he was so distraught, he had subconsciously blocked me out and hid me from knowledge of his pain.

He could be getting intimate. Not sex or anything....I doubt Tommy would go there so quickly, but he could just be getting touchy. When very intimate things happen, I'm blocked out. Because Tommy wants those moments to himself.

When Tommy murders, I'm blocked out. When Tommy cries, sometimes I'm blocked out. When Tommy sleeps, I'm put to sleep. So his dreams, I can't see.


I always wonder....Why he kept me here, but let them all go. I like to think it's cause I was his favorite...,but Tonmy loves us all.

I'd love nothing more than to be set free.

To go to whatever after life there is beyond this. To see them again.....My family.

Knowing that there out there somewhere, waiting for me. And yet I'm bound here to Tommy. Maybe it's pretty shitty to want to leave him, but- My time was up long ago.

Though, as long as I'm here with Tommy. I want to try my best to help him. However it is I can. I do love him, he is my older brother. Wether it be blood or not....I do care about him.

Maybe I'm being selfish...Wanting to leave him. I just don't know.

Right now though?

All I'm worried about is what's happening to Tommy. Why I've been being blocked out for so long.

As much as I'd like to leave my brother for peace....I'm truly glad I get to help him.

The biggest thing is...He has to accept what happened that day. He has to forgive himself about the scar and the eye. I've forgiven him....So I don't know why he won't forgive himself.

I guess in a way, you could say I just want to help him- help me.

1,116 words
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