A dream within a dream.

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UPDATE- 7th May 2023;

I'm sorry for dumping a note right at the start, but please read this before carrying on😓  it's important!

I'm aware that I get a bunch of NEW readers a day, some have not found all the other notes and updates I have put out about this, it's getting serious now, as silly as it is, but wattpad rules on commenting has change.

Pleeease watch your language in the comments...! I'm getting FLAGGED.
As much as I don't mind the language PERSONALLY in funny comments I enjoy reading, wattpad DOESN'T, they don't even like the word "Fuck", or "Bitch" , & other name calling and swears.
PLEASE, cover up a swear word with either something funny or use
" @#$!&* "   or even just "F*ck" "F***"
And so on for other "bad" words.

Comments containing "hate speech"  and swear words get reported, NOT by me, but by wattpad, your comment gets put under review which means absolutely nothing, BUT I can get warnings, and being flagged.
I don't want to risk my account or the book I've spent almost a whole YEAR working on...
Thank you.

// ⚠ STRAIGHT IN with a smut sex scene paragraph, 18+👀
Soft moans escape your slightly parted lips, you hands running down your bed sheets on both your sides
"Open your legs more for me, Princess..."
A soft yet dominating voice says from between your legs as they push another finger inside of you making you buckle your hips as a jolt of pleasure rushes up your entire body.
Their fingers picking up speed, and their tongue flicking over your clit making you jolt a couple times, feeling them smirk against you, more moans escaping your lips
"M-more,  please..."  
You whine arching your back
"Tell me what you want baby"
They replied, curling both fingers inside of you making it hard for you to form any words
"I said tell me what you want y/n, or I'll stop, do you understand me? Now use that pretty little mouth properly, words"
They said,  sounded even more dominating with a serious tone making you even more turned on.
"I-i want you..." 
You say breathing heavy
"I want you inside of me, please"
You beg, Their fingers slid out of you making to whimper, the bed adjusts and your faces meet...
"That's my good girl...."
You hear them say, you open your eyes that are instantly locked on to his,smirking down at you, Eddie Munson...


You jolt awake sitting up with wide eyes instantly thinking about the dream you just got woken up from.
You say to yourself, another dirty dream about Eddie...there getting more frequent now, but why?
You thought, you've never even kissed, yet alone slept together, it's FORBIDDEN, he's your best friend,nothing can or will ever happen between you...or can it? you thought to yourself before snapping back into the real word jumping out of bed to get ready for school.

Whelp👀 let me know what you thought! 😅 my first attempt to write something a lil fRiSkY. Apologies it's not the best [[:

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now