"Was it a good Christmas for you too?"

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Jump back to lastnight, Christmas Eve;

Tomorrow was Christmas day, and the first ever Christmas party you and Eddie are hosting.
Minus the kids as they'd be spending it with their family, it will be Steve , Robin, your mom and Uncle Wayne.
You and Eddie were in the kitchen doing last minute food prep that you wouldn't have time to do tomorrow.
Ed was rereading the turkey instructions your mom kindly wrote out for you both, Turkey would be cooked fresh started early tomorrow morning, but he got the rubbing seasoning  already made the night before.

You were literally doing EVERYTHING, but told everyone to bring stuff if they wanted and...you kinda hoped that they will only because you'd probably miss a couple small things.
Though Eddie's known for his grilled cheese sandwiches, he was actually a really good cook, and made it clear that his job would be the turkey.

"Eds you've read over the instructions five times already, you'll be fine. Come look at my cookies"
You say looking over your shoulder from the other side of the kitchen, icing cookies for tomorrow.
"Making sure I haven't missed anything out of the seasoning and if I read it over and over, tomorrow will flow easily and I won't be as stumped...one minuite darling..."
He replies not looking up from the paper, you smile and let him just do his thing.
Once he's finished he comes over, standing just behind your shoulder with his hand on your lower back.
"They look amazing sweetheart, how'd you get the icing so neat and not run over the sides?"
His hand going to help himself to one but you tap it away.
"Ah! There for the party, get your fingers off. And I did a border around them first with icing, just a thin line all the way around, let that set and then filled it in!"

You explain proudly, admiring your icing skills.
Eddie smiles at you and gives an impressed nod.
"Smart..smart. But you can spare one cookie..you've made loads, you could literally run a cookie shop out of our kitchen"
He grins watching you finish up the rest.

you've made loads, you could literally run a cookie shop out of our kitchen"He grins watching you finish up the rest

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"Mmmok,  just one..."
You let him, he reaches for one of your favourite looking ones.
"Not that oneeee...any but that one, I'm real proud of that one and want it to be in the middle of the cookie plate"
He sighs jokingly and picks another, teasing him by letting out a quiet groan as if the one he had picked was also a favourite, making him give you a look and you laugh.
"I'm joking I'm joking , take that one. Cookie theaf"
You glare at him, arranging the cookies on the big plate to transfer them into the fridge to set.
As you turn back around you see Eddie snap the cookie in half, you gasp making his eyes shoot over at you.

"What..what is it what's wrong"
He asks panicked, freezing in his spot
"You snapped his head off! You decapitated my snowman! You killed him.."
Pretending to be hurt, Eddie looks down at the his hands, snowman head in one and the rest of its body in the other,  then back over at you.
"I was gonna share it with you.."
He says with sorry eyes, pouting a little.
"You killed him"
You pout.
"Love...He was gonna be killed anyways when I eat him, do you want this half"
He says softly, holding out half the cookie.
"No. I don't want anything from you, snowman murderer"
You glare crossing your arms, Eddie raises a brow and shurgs
"Alright then."
He says biting into one of the halfs.
"Noooo! Ok I changed my mind I do want it"
Walking over to him he gives you a
"Seriously?" Look, holding your hands open together for him to give you it.
"I just bit it.."

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now