"Cougar alert"

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Chapter 91.

( Previous chapter ^^
"Yeah, I'll lie to my mother on your behalf"
Published March 10th. )


6859 words<3

This Sunday was a rare one, not because you didn't work Sundays, but because Eddie actually asked to finish work a couple hours early at the auto shop, it wasn't for nothing though, course not, he works his ass off all the time and doesn't just ask to finish early, it was because Corroded Coffin has a gig at the hideout tonight and he needs to set up for it.
He was excited about it, it's been weeks since they got a gig and Eddie really didn't want to let any chance he got to do what he's passionate about slip away, it was no shock though that he still went into work this morning to do a few hours before coming back around lunch time to sort everything out before heading to the bar for 8pm.

Being accompanied by you Steve and Robin tonight for support, everyone was pumped about getting out and having a few drinks but mainly being there to support Eddie and his band mates.
Yesterday night you helped clear out the back of his van so he had room to put what equipment he had for the gig in the back, his band had the rest of it considering Eddie had no room for the things that take up a lot of space, it would all be put together easily once at the bar tonight.
He was currently in the back of his van making sure his pride and joy, his guitar, was securely set for the drive along with the one amp he had the room for in the apartment.
Leaving the apartment door open and coming out for a second in your fluffy slippers, it hadn't rained so it wasn't muddy or anything, plus it was full concrete outside the complex.
"All good Ed's?"
You ask standing outside the van while he was moving stuff about.
"I think so, how about you?"
He asks with a smile, looking up at you threw his bangs.

"I think so, how about you?" He asks with a smile, looking up at you threw his bangs

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"Mhm...I'm not sure what to wear though, I want to be comfortable but not sweating, it gets hot in the Hideout, but I don't want to wear a dresssss I know I'll be cold in that no matter what"
You pouted at him which he returned.
"Then wear nothing"
He says dropping a small bag of trash on the floor by the van, you just gave him a "seriously?" Look, boys.
"You didn't hear anything I said, did you? You just got dirt on your mind boy....wearing nothing would be for a different kind of event, one I don't participate in nor are we ever going to one"
You raise a brow folding your arms, he laughs a bit and flashes you another grin.
"I heard what you said, I'll help you pick something in a second sweetheart"
He offered, wiggling a cigarette between his fingers letting you know he wanted that first as neither of you smoked in the apartment if you could help it, if you did though it was always because it was raining, and always by a window, Eddie would sit almost out of it while he smoked.

You say with a sweet smile, he looked at you confused as he took his first smoke.
"...One? One what what are we one-ing"
He asks blowing out smoke still looking at you lost, you chuckle.
"One second, that was your one second you said you needed, it's gone, come help me find clothes"
Now it was his turn to raise a brow, coming to sit with his legs dangling out of the van with no intention of moving or being rushed or told what to do, he didn't even say anything, he just kept the eye contact with you as he smoked knowing you'd crack first if he kept his gaze on you, and you did exactly that.
You say all dramatic, like a spoilt princess, all jokes, spinning on your toes and heading back inside.
"I'll be in after I've finished this little miss bossy...!"
He shouts just before you got back inside.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now