Terror in the corn maze.

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Chapter 96


⚠️Assault, threatening, trauma flashbacks.

6761 words<3

Autumn was here, it's gotten much colder and darker with the sun setting earlier, dead crunchy leaves are falling from the trees as they go into winter rest.
There's a chill in the air overnight, frost covering the ground by morning, mist and fog in the air making Hawkins feel more like some spooky horror movie town, but in some odd way, it was pretty.
It made things more cozy especially the apartment which was now fitted out with extra blankets in the livingroom, fall scented candles, Eddie had hung up a couple decorations, a few black bat and skull garlands, it made him happy, so it made you happy too when you could decorate your own place when you wanted, and how you wanted.

Autumn ment being warm for the majority of the day, especially first thing in the morning with how crisp the air was, the middle of the day wasn't too bad, but when the sun sets again, it's back to being in hoodies, which obviously weren't your own.
You'd got all the warm clothing out of the closet storage, replacing the much cooler summery clothing in the draws on both your side and Eddie's with winter attire, hoodies, cardigans, sweat pants, fluffy socks...it was probably your favourite time of year.
It was close to 9am, despite having the apartment heating on already, you still shivered a bit so you pulled on a hoodie for now till things warmed up, you and Ed had been up for about an hour, pretty early for your shared day off from work, but the reason being was that you, Ed, Steve and Robin where going to check out the town's autumn/fall festival.

It wasn't anything massive as Hawkins was just a small place, but it still had pretty much everything you'd expect to find in a much larger festival, from food and drink stands, to funfair type games, the only big thing was an apparent maze that might be there according to Steve, the festival organisation had rented one of the fields for only a few days.

Eddie was currently in the kitchen making breakfast while still wearing his Garfield Pj bottoms that your mom got him for his birthday, they came with a matching shirt but he hasn't slept in one of those in years.
He was fixing up something you both have had since you were little as soon as a single crunchy leaf hits the ground, Cinnamon toast.
(• 2 teaspoons butter or margarine.
• 3 tablespoons sugar.
• 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon.
• Toast bread.
• Spread butter onto one side.
• Stir together cinnamon and sugar in small bowl.
• Sprinkle mixture generously ontop of hot buttered toast.)

You liked your toast and sandwiches cut into triangles, Eddie preferred his toast kept square, but his sandwiches triangles, it was something you found kinda odd but in the sweet way, he'd been like that about his toast and sandwiches since he was little so you don't really question it anymore.
"Your toast M'lady..."
He says coming over to sit facing you on the sofa holding out your plate,
"Yummyyy...thank you"
You say sweetly, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders and taking the plate from him so he could get himself wrapped up in his own blanket to eat breakfast.
He gave you a cheesy smile before taking a bite out of his toast, sitting that close your knees touched,
He asked licking his lips and you nodded,
"Mhm, nice and warm...excited about today?"
You reply licking some sugary cinnamon mixture off your finger, he nodded.
"Yeah, should be fun *He smiles* candy applessss...beer, pieee, gonna be so fuckin full"

beer, pieee, gonna be so fuckin full"

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