"...Not even a kiss?"

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You were able to have somewhat of a lie in today, as you only had to be in school at around 10 for your final exam, maths, but you spent the "lie in" going over things before the exam, and of course over thinking you've missed studying over the important parts, you spent the longest on this subject revising when your book wasn't destroyed in the cafeteria, after that you had to study off the numerous sticky notes you had stuck all over the front of other revision books and ones that came loose in your bag.

Eddie knowing how stressed you were about today surprised you with something incredibly sweet a few nights ago...


You laid on Eddie's bed as he frantically searched his room for something hearing him mumble to himself

"Shitshitshittt...!where did I put it...?!God damn it it's in here somewhere...!"
Eddie whisper shouts throwing his shirts everywhere, rubbing your eyes as you lay on his bed you could fall asleep even with him having a minor break down over something, you've only got one more exam to go.
"Ed...maybe if you tell me what it is that your looking for, I could help you?"
You offer,again, Eddie stops and turns around placing one hand on his hip and the other scratching the back of his head as he looks at you, like he was thinking if he should actually get you to help him look

maybe if you tell me what it is that your looking for, I could help you?"You offer,again, Eddie stops and turns around placing one hand on his hip and the other scratching the back of his head as he looks at you, like he was thinking if he should ...

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"....No its fine I know it's in here somewhere I saw it this morning"
He replies rubbing his face then walking over to his bedside cabinet rummaging in his draw,you sigh and roll onto your front watching him search the draw
"HA! I forgot about this..."
Eddie says picking out a rolled joint smiling then slipping it between his lips closing the draw back up.
"I swear it was in his...stay"
He says looking at you as he said the last word, he jogged out into the other rooms and continued searching, you just flopped back down onto his bed waiting for him to come back. 

"I GOT IT! I found it!"
He shouted running back into his bedroom, you sat up seeing Eddie standing beside his bed with a big grin on his face, hands behind his back
"Got what, exactly"
You ask rubbing your eye again
"Close your eyes and hold your hands out"
He tells you like some excited child
"Ok but I might fall asleep..."
You say doing as he says closing your eyes and holding out your hands, feeling Eddie place something in your palms
He adds, you open your eyes and look straight at Eddie who nods down at your hands then grabs his lighter from his pocket lighting the joint he found earlier.

Looking down at your hands you see your maths notebook, the one that got ruined, the cover was all water damaged along with half the pages, you frown at it
"Is this one of your silly jokes, Eddie?"
You ask him confused holding the book properly, he shakes his head
"No" as he blows out smoke
"Open it up"
He tells you smiling, you stare at him for a moment then sigh doing as he asked, opening the book you see that SOME of the pages had been written out again...the info and maths equations all on new bits of paper, you knew Eds handwriting

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now