Make the pain go away...

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It's been around two weeks since the accident at the lake, things had been going okay apart from bad dreams you'd get now and then about being trapped under the ice. They've all felt real, waking up not able to breathe, but this time it was Eddie in your position, you could feel how scared he was being trapped under water.

You jolt awake and sit up gasping for breath,you grip onto your shirt closing your eyes tight trying to calm down, breathing in your nose and out from your mouth, normally you'd just lay back down and gradually fall back asleep again, or Eddie would wake up because of your bad dreams and comfort you, but this dream felt tooooo real, Eddie was the one hurt.
And that's when you realise you needed to be around him, these dreams about the lake are getting frequent and it was scaring you. He was the only thing that made you feel safe.

Eddie was back at his trailer after not leaving your side for the past couple days. But you told him he needed to go back and help his uncle, not knowing what time it was you got out of bed and slipped into sweats and a hoodie, then crept downstairs quietly to not wake your mother before leaving out the front door locking it behind you.

There was still snow on the ground but most of it had melted, you put your hood up and began walking hands in pockets to the trailer park under the poorly lit streetlights.

There was still snow on the ground but most of it had melted, you put your hood up and began walking hands in pockets to the trailer park under the poorly lit streetlights

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It was dead silent with only a few cars going by, once you got to the trailer park you walked over on the grass, icy snow crunching under your feet.
The lights were off but you knocked anyway, waited a few seconds and no answer, knocking again a bit louder a light came on and thumping about came from his trailer,  then another light turned on by the door.

Eddie finally opened the door rubbing his eye, hair messy and in shorts.
He said confused and with a sleepy voice
"It's...3:24 in the morning"
He said looking down at his watch
"What are you doing walking about this late?"
"I couldn't sleep."
You say taking down your hood

He told you sternly moving aside for you to come in"You call me either phone or on the walkie, not walk yourself in the dark all the way here, I'd of come to you"He said sounding slightly annoyed you walked in the dark,he went into his kitchen and...

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He told you sternly moving aside for you to come in
"You call me either phone or on the walkie, not walk yourself in the dark all the way here, I'd of come to you"
He said sounding slightly annoyed you walked in the dark,he went into his kitchen and gets something out of the fridge, pouring it into a mug then putting it in the microwave then turning around leaning against the counter rubbing his hands on his face tired

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now