Somebody's watching me...

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🎵Happy Birthday to's chapter ninetythreee🎵
(It's actually chapter 94 but 93 rhymed, ish¿ so. It's my birthday! Well when it hits midnight here in the UK,26th🎂  I'm 24 wtF. Second one here on wattpad which is crazy, still shook I've been doing this book for a yearrr)

Chapter 94.

⚠️ Talk of Death & body identifying.
Remembering old trauma (MopheadBilly)
*There's something NEW at the very end of the chapter for you Eddieho3s<3

9388 Words<3

----Wayne's POV----

This wasn't how the start of my Thursday shift was supposed to go, at all, how on EARTH did I even manage this?? I've been working at the plant for...well, years! Even before Ed was born, I've not had something to THIS extent happen, sure I got the odd bruise and scrape but a broken wrist?! For christ sakes...

It happened not long before I clocked in, maybe about an hour or so.
I knew the safety precautions like the back of my damn, hand, no pun intended, yet somehow a metal frame came down right ontop of my wrist.
Paul, a work friend who wasn't that far away saw the..incident, apparently it was nothing on my part, which I already knew, been working here over 20 pissin years, but a malfunction, a dodgy screw or bolt which made the frame collapse like it did.
Paul was the one who insisted on driving me to the hospital, I wasn't going to go despite now learning that my damn wrist is broken.

"Keep your arm like that for me love...thaank you"

Ymn (your mom's name) says, Mrs yln, yns she carefully lays my arm how she needed to wrap it all up.
Funny, out of all the nurses and doctors here, I get seen by her, which isn't a bad thing! Christ no, she's a dear friend, has been for a very long time...Very kind women though also very stern when she wants to be.
I used to work at the plant with her husband, ydn, he was my best mate, miss him dearly, I was actually the one who..had to identify him after the accident with ymn, one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, course fighting for my boy in court too.
Identifying ydn was, awful, nightmarish, especially considering what had happened to him, with the, trian.
She took only a glimpse before turning away, less than a second after those sheets got lifted...But I had to look longer, I just had to, for ymn, to give the nod that it was her husband, my best mate, yns father...Ed's other guardian other than myself and ymn.

"What're we gonna do with you"

Ymn says as she starts wrapping up my wrist in stuff the kids used to play in, it looked like it anyway, made a mess, smelt like paint.
I huff a small laugh shaking my head, still utterly shocked it had happened even when I knew it wasn't anything I had personally done at the plant, faulty equipment just wasn't something we could have in a place of work like that, shouldn't really have it in any work place for that matter.

"How long will I have this dough on my arm for? Won't it stick to my skin?"

I ask watching as she gently wraps soggy bandages around my arm, from my entire hand, wrist and stopping just under my elbow.
She smiles at what I had said, looking at me with that 'really?' type stare, I knew it wouldn't stick to my skin, it was just fun to poke.

"Four to six weeks, it depends. But you'll be back here in four to get it checked over again, and possibly freshly casted for a little while longer to be on the safe side...and it won't stick, why do you think I shaved your arm beforehand, hm?"

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now