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It was now 6:45, when Eddie dropped you off you cleaned up a bit and got changed into comfy clothes then chilled out watching tv in your bedroom, a few minutes pass and a light tap came from your bedroom window,
Smiling knowing exactly who it was you rolled off your bed and went over to the window pulling your flowered lace curtains to the side

//CONTENT WARNING: SLIGHT KINKY SCENE NEAR THE END********It was now 6:45, when Eddie dropped you off you cleaned up a bit and got changed into comfy clothes then chilled out watching tv in your bedroom, a few minutes pass and a light tap came fro...

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revealing that perfectly shaped face,you pulled up the window 
"Hi eddieeee,on time as always"
You smile sweetly leaning on the window ledge,your faces inches apart, he smelled strongly of cigarettes, he must've had one before he got here, you didn't mind the smell, you thought it was pretty hot, it sort of... suited him?

"Hi beautiful"
He winked flashing a smile
"Can't be late for you"
He cooed, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek bringing back the flutters.
"I come with gifts m'lady"
He lifts up a pack of beer and grins
"Entry granted,kind sir"
You say smirking playing along with his little acts, he always comes out with lines just like when he's playing dnd,it's the cutesy thing.

Walking back over to your bed, Eddie climbed in and closed the window then sets the beers on your night stand and flops ontop of you making a grunting sound,which was hot.
"You'll squish meeeee"
You teased messing up his beautiful mane of hair, though he still looked amazing, then
poking his sides making him squirm around rolling off you
He said laughing moving over to the end of your bed
"No tickling Miss"
You smirked slowly crawling up towards him, Eddie HATED being tickled, which worked in your favour knowing him for as long as you have, you knew the best places to attack...
"Hey...hey n-now watch it..."

He said laughing nervouslybacking away, forgetting how close he was to the end of the bed, You teased him with your hands lifting them up wiggling your fingers making him flinch"Hug me Eddieeeee"You pout making Eddie's eyes big and puppy like, the...

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He said laughing nervously
backing away, forgetting how close he was to the end of the bed, You teased him with your hands lifting them up wiggling your fingers making him flinch
"Hug me Eddieeeee"
You pout making Eddie's eyes big and puppy like, then you decided to attack!  Jumping at him making him let out a high pitched scream falling off of your bed landing ontop of him on the floor,
You tickle his sides making him squirm about on your bedroom floor
He laughs out loud
"P-please! I beg you S-stop! "
He continues, you decide to let him free,both laughing hard then just laying there for a moment, you turn your head to look at Eddie, to find him already looking at you...

A couple seconds pass,Eddie boops your nose before sitting up
"Beer darling?"
He asked walking over to where he left them on your night stand
You reply,  sitting up fixing your hair.

A few hours had past and it was now 10:20, you both had gotten into your bed,Eddie's arm around your shoulders gently tracing the side of your arm with his soft fingers as you lay your head on his shoulder and arm around his stomach,leg wrapped around eachother.
He took a sip of beer before going back to watching tv, you closed your eyes laying your face into Eddie's shoulder breathing in his scent then felt yourself drift...

"Open your mouth,pretty girl"
Eddie said sternly while standing above you, you look up and does as he says, he takes a sip of beer before grabbing your cheeks leaning down to face you, he spits the beer into your mouth, you take it, he presses his lips onto yours in a deep kiss making some beer trickle out the sides of your mouth and down your jaw, he pulls away slowly and licks his lips then rubs his thumb against yours
"Such a good girl...."
He whispers before turning your head to the side liking up the dripped beer from your lower jaw to your lips.

**Dream ends**

You felt someone gently tapping you
"y/n...hey...hey, wake up"
Eddie whispered, your eyes slowly opened and you rubbed your eyes propping yourself up onto your elbows on your side

You yawn still coming to,
You asked
"I thought you was having a nightmare or something, you ok?"
He asked with a concerned look
" was gripping my shirt"
He said laughing a little rubbing his eye,then you remember....another one of THOSE dreams
"Oh..I - no, it wasn't a bad dream"
You reply, laughing a little
"Sorry I didn't notice I was holding your shirt, I don't even remember what I was dreaming about"
You say blushing slightly hoping he wouldn't notice
"Not a problem, pretty girl, it's late, let's call it a night?"
He asks before pulling off his shirt, he took his pants off earlier that day to get comfy so he just had his boxer shorts on now, you couldn't help but stare at his chest and perfectly scattered tattoos,
Quickly pulling yourself out of basically eye fucking him before he could notice, he lays back and holds one arm out and pats his chest.
It wasn't uncomfortable sharing a bed together, or seeing him in just shorts, it felt natural in a way,and safe.

"Come here love"
He spoke in a soothing type of way, You smile and crawl over to him and lay in his arms placing your hand on his chest.
"Night night...Ed"
You say, feeling yourself already drifting off to sleep
"Goodnight, doll"
He whispered slowly tracing his finger tips across your shoulder.

********************Thoughts?👀  don't forget I'm taking requests if there's anything you'd like added into this story,drop them in the comments or message me, I need ideas! {: I left some info on the previous page ^^ <333

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Thoughts?👀  don't forget I'm taking requests if there's anything you'd like added into this story,drop them in the comments or message me, I need ideas! {:
I left some info on the previous page ^^ <333

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now