Part 1. Four adults One van.

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It was the morning of the roadtrip you all planned going on for the weekend, as it was just for two days you all agreed on hitting the road early morning so you'd all have as much time as possible spent together before heading back to work.
The sun was slowly coming up, Eddie was still fast asleep next to you with his arm stretched out over your front, gently picking it up as to not wake him you lay his arm on the pillow,
letting him catch a couple more Z's before waking him up to hit the road.

The van was packed up lastnight to save time, Everyone's backpacks with clothes and food, three tents, one extra incase someone's breaks, you were going to grab a couple more bits when stopping for gas, it was a 6 hour drive to where Steve had suggested to camp out.
You only needed to find something to wear for today so you quietly grabbed a plain black shirt and some jeans, clean undies and bra then headed out for the bathroom adjacent to your bedroom leaving the door open slightly.
Peeping out into the livingroom to see Robin fast asleep on the sofa, as Eddie was still out cold Steve took the opportunity to take his armchair, he slept on the air mattress but was awake watching the tv with no sound as people were still sleeping, he notices you up and smiles, signalling if you wanted a coffee, you smile back scrunching up your face as you nod "yes" then headed to get a quick shower.

Once showered and changed you made your way out, Robin was asleep with her arms above her head on the arm of the sofa and blanket covering her face, quietly walking past her to Steve who was in the kitchen making himself toast.
"Morninggg, sleep ok?"
You ask jumping up onto the counter beside him
"Not bad actually, wasn't that long after you and Munson headed to bed when me and Buckley fell asleep,you?"
He smiles handing you a fresh mug of coffee which you thank him for,
leaning against the counter beside you with his mug in hand.
"Slept ok thanks"
You smile back taking a sip, not helping but chuckle at the state of Steve's hair
"I thought Eddie's bed head was insane..."
You laugh a little at his hair flicking up in all directions, lifting up a hand to try brush them down for him
"I'm gonna shave it off"
He mumbles turning around to face you setting his mug on the counter, the both of you look at eachother slightly shocked at what he said, his face drops.

"You laugh a little at his hair flicking up in all directions, lifting up a hand to try brush them down for him"I'm gonna shave it off"He mumbles turning around to face you setting his mug on the counter, the both of you look at eachother slightly...

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"....No I'm not, I'm never doing that, never let me do that...actually never let me even say that again"

He says with wide eyes, you nod your head quickly
"Got it, never ever doing that"
You smile combing your fingers through his hair to somewhat neaten it out
"...There, not that flicky uppy anymore"
Leaning back to get a better look at his hair.
"I dont think Uppy is a word yln"
He smiles taking a sip of coffee,You squint your eyes thinking
"...mmNo, it definitely is a word, if you use it with flicky, your hairs a perfect example of what flicky uppy means. Very positive it's a word"
You add, Steve nods at you with squinted eyes making you push his shoulder playfully
"Munson still sleeping?"
He asks looking out over towards the bedroom, you nod having some coffee
"Yeeah, I'll wake him up in a second-"
But before you could say anything else, Robin, who wasn't asleep anymore but listened in on your conversation instead, sits up on the sofa
"I'll do it...!"

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now