Let me know if the real you ever comes back.

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Drug use & su¡cid3 talk.

You and Eddie are still looking for apartments, it's been more difficult than you imagined finding a one bedroom place,  everything so far is either two or three rooms and mostly full houses which neither of you are able to afford right now, one room apartments haven't shown up yet but you keep checking the newspaper listing and reading the signs put up in shop windows,you both wanted a place with one room not caring about having to share, a pretty decent open livingroom whenever people come to hang out which will also act as another sleeping space on the sofas if they stay over, kitchen doesn't have to be massive but you don't want it cramped feeling,

the same goes for the bathroom. All on ground floor obviously,being a small studio style type of place, It's just taking time, more time than you thought it would but Eddie reassures you daily that something will come around.
Wayne and your mom know about the moving out plans and they both support you wanting to experience living in your own place for the first time as young adults,they knew it would happen someday and that you'd both want to live together somewhere,Hawkins or not you'd go with eachother, being inseparable as your mom has always said.

It's a Sunday so family video is closed but Eddie got called into work, Steve was coming round soon to hang out with you and Eddie and have that beer they talked about a few days ago, you suggested they do it at your place as your mom's out of town with some friends having a small trip till Monday, she was reluctant to go at first till you persuaded her on going because she deserved some time with friends and to unwind from work, that and because they wouldn't bother Wayne either.

Steve was getting here before Eddie gets home so it'll just be the both of you for a few hours.
You were currently in your bedroom writing in your diary, finding it helping slightly with things you've got going on and not able to talk about, things you've been dealing with alone like the bad dreams and wanting to actually sleep, which you havent been able to do for very long, along with the anxiety and panic attacks.
Writing them out seemed to take some weight off you, but only for a moment because you knew it was still there along with the feelings it's all giving you, writing was just a quick fix, before your back to feeling heavy and depressed moments later.


Knowing that's probably Steve you stopped writing and laid the pen down between the open pages,Sitting up and heading downstairs to let him in, opening the door and Steve gives you a little wave

Knowing that's probably Steve you stopped writing and laid the pen down between the open pages,Sitting up and heading downstairs to let him in, opening the door and Steve gives you a little wave "y/l/n"

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He says with a smile, holding a box of beer under his arm tipping his imaginary top hat at you.
"Afternoon Harrington"
Replying as you stand aside letting him in.

"So I brought today's paper and had last week's still laying about incase you didn't check that for apartments yet...Have you walked down to the towns news board recently? Maybe someone's shoved something up on there about rooms"
Steve suggests as you close the door and spin around towards him on your toes.
"Steve you know that information board is as barren as the ocean is wet right? I'll check the papers tho, gimme *snatches them* "
Unfolding last week's paper as you walk into the kitchen flipping the pages till you find the listings.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now