My sweet boy...

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Waking up the next morning you rubbed your eyes and looked at the time.
Though it was Saturday  you couldn't sleep anymore, you rolled over to see Eddie still fast asleep, with one leg out of the covers and arm behind his head, strands of his hair trickled across his face, the sun was shining ever so gently across his tattooed chest, he looked couldn't help but just watch him for a few moments, his chest slowly rising and lowering,the world felt silent, like it was just you two on earth.

Slowly moving the strands of hair from his face, making him move slightly you kiss his cheek softly, then carefully get out of bed and headed downstairs, leaving a sleepy Eddie in your bed.

You make chocolate chip pancakes which Eddie loved, and left a plate and a chocolate milk on the table for when he did finally wake up.

You finished off your pancake and slid the plate to the side and sat looking out the window sipping coffee,it snowed a bit last night but it looked so pretty with the morning sun making it glisten

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You finished off your pancake and slid the plate to the side and sat looking out the window sipping coffee,it snowed a bit last night but it looked so pretty with the morning sun making it glisten.

"Good morning doll face"
A sleepy deep voiced Eddie said walking into the kitchen smiling and rubbing his eye, still only wearing boxer shorts.
"Good morning sleepy head"
You smiled back, he walked over to you and sat on your lap with his legs across yours and arms around you, then put his face into your neck hugging you close and breathed you in, he was a big kid at heart, not afraid to be the one sitting on a girls lap, even if it was just to be silly.

You hugged him back and let him sit like that for a moment.
"I made pancakes"
You said patting his back softly
Eddie just lent out a small sleepy groan as if to say ok.
"...Your favourite..."
You added smiling, his face slowly looked up out of your neck with one eye open
"Chocolate chip...?"
He asked and you smiled as to say yes, he grinned like a kid on Christmas day and got off you to sit on the opposite side and digged in to his breakfast

"There's fresh coffee also, if you'd like some"
You say standing up and picking up your plate before Eddie grabbed your hand
He asked looking up at you with those eyes, gosh he had the most beautiful eyes.

He reached over and grabbed the chair dragging it to place beside him before patting it for you to sit, which you did, then he patted his lap for you to put your legs across, you did.

"He many pancakes did you have,love"
He asked chewing some of his
"Just the one"
Replying back sipping the still warm coffee,
Eddie stopped eating and looked at you, there's that serious look again...
He said, you nodded
"And you made me..."
He looks down at his plate before looking up again
He was always concerned you wasn't eating enough, you never really ate much in the mornings though.
He cut up some of his pancake and turned to you
He said, offering you some on his fork
"I'm ok Eddie,you eat"
You say smiling sweetly
He added, this time more sternly,

you couldn't help put think of the recent dream you had about him, the one with the beer

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you couldn't help put think of the recent dream you had about him, the one with the felt your body tingle and you squeeze your hands tight under the table.
He then poked your lips with the fork, you gave in and ate it and Eddie smiled.

After breakfast you both showered, separately of course. And sat on your bedroom floor painting Eddie's fingernails,his idea after he saw your black Polish out on your vanity.
"Twitch again Munson,and I'm gluing your hands to the damn floor" 
You threatened still concentrating on making his fingers neat,you got to his middle finger and as you brought the brush down to his nail, he lifts his finger on purpose, making the brush smudge all over his nail and sides of his finger, you grunt annoyed and look up to only see him smirking down at you,

"Twitch again Munson,and I'm gluing your hands to the damn floor"  You threatened still concentrating on making his fingers neat,you got to his middle finger and as you brought the brush down to his nail, he lifts his finger on purpose, making the...

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you couldn't be mad at that face so you just smiled and shook your head at him before cleaning up the mess he made
You said, making him chuckle.
"There...! Done. Do not touch them while there drying Eddie or I'm never painting your nails again"
He put up his hands in defence
"Got it ma'am" 

I wanted to make this into two so it wasn't a long ass section😅 {:

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now