Swear on it, Buckley

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"Almost home..."
Eddie says nodding to the Hawkins sigh coming up, you lay back into the chair trying to keep calm.


1977 words<3

It's almost been a week since you got back into town, still keeping what happened from Eddie a secret.
Billy was now out of the hospital with bruises and stitches in his face, also keeping his word as far as you know, you haven't bumped into him yet as your trying your best to avoid doing so, but you heard from Steve that he was out and walking around.

Eddie's been with you everyday almost since being back, nothing new as you see eachother every single day nearly.
And to be honest you liked it that way, knowing he wouldn't walk into Billy knowing he was with you at home or his trailer, but the few hours he wasn't you'd worry and be on edge till you hear from him again, and you obviously couldn't tell him he can't go out without you or not out at all, he's his own person and has things to do, being controlling is the last thing you want to be towards him.

Even though Billy gave you his word and agreed after you did what he asked, a small part of you didn't trust him.
He's known for causing issues no matter what, he does what he wants and gets away with it, he's a snake and for sure the type to use things against someone just to get a kick out of it, no matter if it were a promise or he gave his word on something.


"Do you really have to go? It's almost 8pm..." 
You asked Eddie as he puts his jacket back on
"I do, I'm sorry sweetheart. It's a late deal, weed that's all...and I wont be long I promise"
He replies taking his hair out from under his jacket, you sigh flopping down onto your bed failing yet again on getting Eddie to stay, the worry about him seeing Billy is building up the more he goes places alone.

Eddie smiles and walks back over to the bed and sits beside you

"I know you don't like how I make most of my money, or when I do deals at night

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"I know you don't like how I make most of my money, or when I do deals at night. I don't mean to make you worry...honest"
He adds leaning down on his side beside you as you lay back, you turn your head to the side towards him and he smiles laying his cheek against his shoulder
"Very cute you worry about me, but I don't want it playing on your mind too much I'll be ok, alright?"
He tells you softly and you nod.

He sits up again but you stop him before he stands
You say holding onto his jacket, he turns his head around looking down at you
He asks now spinning around properly
"Kiss on the cheek, before you go?"
You ask biting your lip from the nerves, he smiles and leans down to your cheek, before he could kiss it you turn your head so your faces got closer together, he stops leaning in noticing you moved and your faces are inches apart 

"Change your mind?"
He asks backing away slowly
"No, I- I still want a kiss"
You reply holding his jacket stopping him from moving away more, he narrows his brows slightly then glances down at your lips now knowing what you ment, the corner of his mouth smiles as he leans back down, kissing you on the lips gently, he took it as if you just wanted a quick peck, like against the cheek but before he could pull away you lift up your head to kiss him back pulling him down again, he pulls away slowly smiling then licks his bottom lip before attaching his lips back with yours

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now