"Are you forgetting he's my fuckin' son??!"

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⚠️Smut. Childhood trauma Flashbacks. Abuse talk.

If you don't like the names used, simply ignore it, or use your imagination and change it to something you prefer.
I've had enough of some of you kink shaming others who do like it, there's also 0 need to be fucking rude to ME and those of us who like it in my DM's and comments, remove yourself because ur not welcome on my book🤘🏼 don't have nothing nice to say? Don't say anything at all, keep your negativity to yourself.
My book is a safe place.


14900 Words<3

It was Wednesday, both you and Eddie working again.
Thankfully though it was coming to the end of your shift, Ed should be arriving soon to pick you up and head for a late lunch/dinner at one of your shared favourite places, the diner, his treat he planned last minute as you both left the aparmtnet this morning.
It'll be the first dinner out that you've both had in weeks, you'd mostly been cooking together, or for eachother, or the odd takeout, so you were equally excited about going out for some food even if it wasn't fancy, you never liked fancy and he knew that but the diner was a favourite spot for you both so it didn't cause any bickering.

"Soooo...When's the date again? Right after work?"
Steve says sliding across the front desk on his elbows to you counting the cash register, he wiggles his brows at you and you playfully roll your eyes in return.
"Not a date Steve, not that that would be a bad thing, it wouldn't, but it's not a date. Just late lunch and probably dinner, till around 2am when Eddie gets the munchies for cereal."
You smile to yourself, letting out a small chuckle knowing damn well that's the truth and Ed does indeed get munchies for cereal after he's had a smoke, or even when he hasn't he's still found in the kitchen like a goblin shovelling cereal in his mouth straight from the box late at night.
Steve lets out a "mhm.." which didn't sound like he was convinced at ALL but you wasn't really paying attention, to busy making sure you counted the money correctly and wrote the amount down.

" which didn't sound like he was convinced at ALL but you wasn't really paying attention, to busy making sure you counted the money correctly and wrote the amount down

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Feeling Steve's eyes still digging into you, you sigh and drop the clipboard onto the desk along with the pen, turning to him with your arms folded.
He was grinning, thinking he was right about it, him and Eddie have become really good friends, like you and Robin talking about stuff..for example, that time on the camping trip all four of you took, you know Eddie and Steve had probably talked about similar things to...and it didn't bother you if they had, though you've definetly thought about what topics might've been brought up between the both of them, their boys..only god knows.
Steve continued to stare at you, you doing the same back till you gave in.
".....Will you quit looking at me like that if I agree with you, JUST this once?"
You ask raising a brow, he nodded proudly, you glare hard at him for a second.
".........Fine, it's a date, now bug off you vexation"
Playfully nudging by him to hop up onto the counter and sit, FV was closed now, Steve had finished reorganizing things just as he came over to "bug" you, hanging about till Eddie showed to pick you up,
Robin had shot off already about half hour ago to meet some friends visiting for a bit.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now