<< Continued

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☡CONTENT WARNING FOR LIL SMUTTY SMUT near the end. (Pls don't k!ll me👀)
You made it back to your place and was now trimming Eddie's bangs, he was sat on a stool and you was kneeling infront of him combing it out, Eddie poked your sides with his fingers gently seeing how concentrated you was
"Do you want your bangs done correctly Munson?"
You looked at him with a serious face and he just smirks,

You made it back to your place and was now trimming Eddie's bangs, he was sat on a stool and you was kneeling infront of him combing it out, Eddie poked your sides with his fingers gently seeing how concentrated you was"Do you want your bangs done...

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gosh that smirk, you start trimming his bangs and he goes cross eyed trying to watch what you do and you notice giggling trying to get the cut even-ish

"Eddieee stop I don't want to trim too much off"
You say smiling, his bangs are choppy looking anyways so it didnt need to be neat they just needed a trim out if his eyes.
"...ok look at me"
You say holding his face straight and looking at his bangs, he kept his eyes on you glancing at your lips for a second.
You comb his hair out
"All done cutie"
You say smiling and standing up, Eddie spun around on the stool  looking into your vanity mirror and shook his hair out, messing up your work with his hands
"Perfect, thank you sweetheart"

Eddie hung out at yours for at bit till he needed to head back to his trailer, his Uncle had the night off so they wanted to chill and drink beers together.
"See you soon ok?"
Eddie said turning round at the door kissing your forehead
"Goodnight Eddie"
You smiled poking his nose

He replied smiling then headed to his van, you watched as he waved before driving off, you closed the door locking up and headed back to your room and picked up the walkie-talkie, holding down the button "Heyyy Max you there?"

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He replied smiling then headed to his van, you watched as he waved before driving off, you closed the door locking up and headed back to your room and picked up the walkie-talkie, holding down the button
"Heyyy Max you there?"

He replied smiling then headed to his van, you watched as he waved before driving off, you closed the door locking up and headed back to your room and picked up the walkie-talkie, holding down the button "Heyyy Max you there?"

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You say into it then stood it up on your vanity and went to change into pj's, just some shorts and a vest nothing fancy.
Few seconds pass and the walkie crackles before a familiar voice came from it

"Such a nerd using this crap to talk"
Billy responded making you turn around fast, for a second you thought he was in your room, you put your arms into your shirt and grabbed the talkie
"Yet here you are, answering me back Hargrove"
You say smirking then laying on your bed.
"Guess I'm one of you then,hu?"
He spoke, you could tell he was smirking or smiling because you heard him let out a huff of breath
"Have a date tomorrow? "
You asks hoping he'd know you was talking about the girl he was showing his muscles to
"....Jealous are we?"
He said laughing, you didn't repond

"No, I don't"
He added, you smiled and rolled onto your front
"Thought that old showing off muscles move would've got you a date with that blondie" 
You joked
"She...had a boyfriend"
He said, his tone changed slightly, he sounded more nervous and you knew he was lying because a girl who was already taken wouldn't stop him from flirting and hooking up,  but you didn't mention that.
"So, what you wearing?"
He asks, now back to his confident self, you shook your head but smiled 
"There he is, the Billy I know"
You laughed
"And just my pj's, shorts and a vest...you...?"

You?! YOU,what the hell are you doing asking Billy fucking Hargrove what he's wearing at almost 11pm. You cringed at yourself and scratched the side of your face.
"...Just boxers. Bit uncomfortable though" 
He replied and you blushed slightly
"You blushing hm"
He added and did that laugh again, how the fuck could he tell?!
"Pfff!, you wish"
Now rolling onto your back
"Want to hang out sometime...?"
You knew that wasn't a good idea, not this soon after what happened anyway.
"Um, I don't know-"
Billy cuts you off

"Are you scared that Eddie guy finding out?"
He said getting straight to it
"No, I'm not scared, not for my sake anyway...I don't think it's the best thing right now. You know?"
Replying to him, it went silent for a moment
"Yeah, guess so."
Now he sounded disappointed and you felt bad.
"Well, could you tell Max I'll call tomorrow? Please."
You ask sitting up
"No problem. Goodnight, y/l/n"
You smile
"Goodnight,  Billy..."
Then you cut the line, laying the walkie back on your vanity and walking over to the side of the bed pulling the covers climbing in, you sighed as your head sank into your pillow, your whole body sank into the bed as it didn't take you long to drift off asleep...

Hands gripping yours and fingers interlocking, soft groans pouring out of your mouth as you lay back in pleasure feeling warmth pool up your body
"You taste so good..."
A voice said, as their tongue licked it's way up between your folds before lips sucked on your sensitive clit making your hips twitch from the electric shock type of pleasure it gave you
"Mmm more"
You beg making small circular motions with your hips against their lips,you felt them smirk and a tongue enters you working magic, your stomach instantly knots as you near climax it felt amazing, they start eating you out more giving attention to your clit making you moan louder
"You gonna Cum?"
They ask and you responded with a nod and moans.
Flicking their tongue over your clit making you twitch you felt a gush of warmth fill you up you then felt yourself  drip down over your folds then being slowly licked up.

You moan softly coming down from the high with your eyes closed,the bed adjusts as you felt them now hover over the top of you and plant a kiss on your lips, you smile and slowly open your eyes letting them adjust to the light,  before seeing a smirking Billy Hargrove looking down at you.

You moan softly coming down from the high with your eyes closed,the bed adjusts as you felt them now hover over the top of you and plant a kiss on your lips, you smile and slowly open your eyes letting them adjust to the light,  before seeing a sm...

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You jolt awake sitting up in your bed
You say out loud to yourself. Dropping your head into your hands rubbing your head, You just dreamt of Billy,BILLY going down on you...WHY?!


Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now