Pt2. Some things lost, others found.

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⚠️Talk of death, drug use
(Overdose), childhood trauma.

Okaay, so you Eddieho3s voted over on my Instagram that you wanted this long as$ chapter as one BIG one and not split into, here you go,
21342 words later.
If you'd of preferred it in two chapters, then..sorry😂 I get people to vote occasionally on things like this with polls I make on my personal Instagram, so it's a good idea IF you fancy it, to head over there so you don't miss putting your votes in and even seeing the odd sneak peeks as I don't post that kind of stuff here.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!


Chapter 99.

"Truth or dare..."

Billy says with a grin right after chugging down another large sip of beer, you just stand there with your arms folded, staring daggers at him all while Eddie was beside you, he had a beer in hand also.
"C'mon Munsonnn...pick one, have a lil fun for a change, it's a fuckin party"
Billy asks again, his tone was slightly more slurred than a sober persons.
Eddie exhaled deeply and itched his temple with his beer bottle,
"....Alright, fine. Dare"
He answered and Billy's face lit up in surprise at Eddie's unfazed tone to wanting a dare...risky play, anyone who's ever done truth or dare would know that, it even got you looking at him rather concerned, god knows what Billy is going to make him do.

"....I dare you to kiss her"
He says with that shit eating grin again as he gets another glug of beer down, Eddie's brow raised at that and he huffed amused,
"Seriously...? That's what you pick?? Are you in fuckin preschool Hargrove?"
Eddie asks him shaking his head at that "weak" dare, but Billy just kept that grin on his face,
"Now now Munson, I'm not talking about a peck...Proper kiss, tongue her."
He explained a bit more, you felt your cheeks begin to burn up, half from just blushing as you'd never kissed Eddie this publicly before and the other out of irritation, aimed at Billy of course.
His eyes went from grinning at Ed, to looking at you, then back at Ed again who was now looking at you for your say in this.
"....A dares a dare."
You say, unbothered by Billy's dare,Part of you actually wanted Eddie to kiss you, to do it right infront of Billy and prove him wrong, to maybe just maybe have it backfire on him and piss him off.

Eddie didn't seem bothered by it either, he was more concerned about wanting to know if you were alright with it, he wasn't going to do it without your consent, which he now had.
This was a party so there was obviously other people about, but they were off doing their own thing, getting drunk, dancing really badly, playing beer pong or hooking up, it was only the three of you playing this rather sad game of truth and dare.
Eddie got down the rest of his beer and put the empty bottle on the counter before turning to you, giving you that look to which you simply nod at, and he lent in with his hand cupping your cheek, making sure Billy was getting a good view.
His lips pressed to yours softly for a moment before it started to progress, lips moving at a faster pace keeping up with eachother till his tongue lightly dragged against your bottom lip for you to part them, you did and lifted a hand to hold his wrist gently.
You kissed with tongues for a good minute, even slowing just to give Billy an even better view of your tongues gliding over one another's, it was like you read eachothers mind when deciding to do that.

When the kiss came to an end you both smiled at eachother a little and then turned to face Billy, who was looking rather annoyed with himself now...His fault.
"....Good enough for you bud?"
Eddie asked crossing his arms and leaning back against the counter, wasn't calling him bud in a friendly way, hell no.
Billy just scoffed and stared at Eddie in disgust before looking to you, pointing his bottled hand at you,
"Now you, your turn....Think I'll pick for you though....a Truth"
He says licking his bottom lip, you sigh a little at his persistence with this silly game and hand gesture for him to go on and just say it, not thinking he'd turn the truth into what he was about to, then again how stupid of you to even think it would be something like 'Have you fucked'...though you wished it was THAT that he'd asked you.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now