(2) This has to be a dream...

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"Please,touch me Eddie..."
You whisper,he listens and slowly slips his hand down your shorts, his middle finger slowly slipping between your folds you let out a soft groan and grip Eddie in your hand in pleasure making him groan to, he then starts playing with you feeling how wet you've gotten which makes him smirk against your lips and, he positions himself between your legs more and nudges one of your legs on purpose with his knee
"Open more for me"
He whispers and you open both legs spreading them a little more

"Do you want more, sweetheart?"
He asks you pulling away from the kiss again and looking at you, you nod, Eddie moves his face close to yours and whispers this time more sternly

"Do you want more, sweetheart?" He asks you pulling away from the kiss again and looking at you, you nod, Eddie moves his face close to yours and whispers this time more sternly

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"Words, Princess. I need to hear you say iT"
"Y-yes I want more,God please...!"
You practically beg him which makes him smirk, his brown eyes turning darker almost black , fuck he's hot.
He gently pushes a finger inside of you pumping it in and out of you slowly making you wetter by the second, he bites down onto your neck lovingly before pushing in a second finger, making moans pour from your mouth, you moan arching your back
"Mmmmmm Eddie"
At this point his dicks throbing In your hands so you pick up the pace and jerk him off faster
"mmmh god, fuck"
He pants
"That feels amazing princess..."
He adds making you blush intensely.

Then something clicks in your mind,reality hits in..., it's not a dream, despite how much pleasure Eddie's making you feel, how much you want this, you start to panic and push Eddie away breaking the intense making out you sat up quickly covering your lower half up with your covers.
Eddie backs off you and looks confused but also worried thinking he did something wrong

Eddie backs off you and looks confused but also worried thinking he did something wrong

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"Eddie I s-sorry...I"
Your words stumble and you rub your arms nervously, Eddie looks down knowing what you was trying to say
"It's ok,don't worry. I'm sorry I didn't-"
You quickly cut him off before he feels awful about what had happened and ALMOST happened,you didn't want him to feel awful about it
"No Eddie it's ok...please don't be sorry. It's just....you're my best friend and I don't want to-"
Eddie finishes your words
"Ruin what we have, I know"

He nods sounding disappointed, did he want it to go further...?
he grabs the pillow beside him and puts it in his lap covering his still prominent boner, keeping all eye contact down, it stayed silent for what felt like a life time.

"...we, almost -"
You say shyly
Eddie cut in and laughed a little under his breath rubbing the back of his neck.
You add, laughing the same way but nervously before slowly moving your eyes up to to meet eachother again.

That's all for today folks😌
Goshhh it's got hot in hereee,open a window!😰😏
Please comment & vote, it really helps me a bunch <3

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now