"You'll be fine on your own, right?"

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⚠️Assault talk.

(A few days skipped in the book since the last chap<3)

Eddie's still going strong with keeping whatever he has planned a secret from your attempts at getting him to give in and tell you, all he's told you is that it's happening tomorrow night as the video store is closed and he got the day off specially for what he's planned out, whenever you mention it he smiles real big like he's excited about it, which made you excited also, of course, but seeing him all happy about a surprise that's for YOU was wholesome, he's such a kid at heart and whatever he's done for tomorrow you knew you'd love.

"I'm working late tonight don't forget, you'll be alright getting a lift home from Steve or Robin if she gets her friend to pick you both up again?"
Ed asks finishing his coffee walking over to the sink and washing the mug
You hum finishing off the toast in your mouth
"I haven't forgot, and I'll be alright don't worry"
You reply with a smile, whenever he works late Steve would take you home after shifts as it still gets dark pretty early, but you've got a lift from Robin and one of her friends a few times also.

----Family Video----

You followed Steve to the back of the store where things are kept in storage

"Should I be worried or...?"
You ask him laughing a little nervously, he shakes his head and turns back around with a smile on his face, slight panic on the inside had stopped now seeing his facial expressions as to why he dragged you with him.

?"You ask him laughing a little nervously, he shakes his head and turns back around with a smile on his face, slight panic on the inside had stopped now seeing his facial expressions as to why he dragged you with him

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"Sooo, you've been a real help around here and I'm impressed,y/l/n. I know this originally was just a summer thing but I was wondering if you wanted to stay officially, here with me and Buckley, till whenever you decide to fly the video store nest,that's IF you even want to..."
Steve says still smiling now with his arms crossed leaning against the cabinet.

Your eyes widen and mouth opens
"Wait seriously? I can work here even after my summer is up??"
You ask in disbelief, Steve just laughs slightly and nods his head, all you manage was a squeal of excitement as you go to throw your arms around his neck making him quickly unwrap his arms to catch you and laughs
"Is that a yes?"
He asks hugging you back
"YEAH! Oh my gosh- YES thank you steeeve thank you thank youuu"
You reply squeezing him tight, he does the same back gently.

Excited to tell Eddie the news after work you knew he'd be really happy with it, you had a smile stuck on your face walking  out to the front of the store getting back to work, but it wasn't gonna stay for long...

"Now these movies look interesting but you wouldn't happen to star in any of then would you,cus I'm not finding them on the shelf..."
A very familiar voice said from close behind you, you cringe at what they say and shake your head unamused not turning to pay them any attention.
"You know it's rude to ignore a customer when they ask you a question"
They add now standing beside you, you could feel their eyes digging into your skull as they watched you stack tapes,
You let out a deep sigh
"What do you want, Billy. If it's not an actual question then I'm busy"
You reply quickly glaring at him then focusing back on work.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now