"Blue and red make Purple buddy.."

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We hit 3M reads this morning!!! Ahhhhh, thank you all so much, this is freakin' INSANE<3


9873 Words<3

Diary entry: Thursday, 26 January, 6:45am.

Happy Birthday Eddie, my love

Today is Eddie's Birthday, you've been planning this for weeks now wanting to make it real special for him.
He's never really had anyone go super all out for him when his birthday rolls around.
Uncle Wayne would do his best but he wouldn't have tons of time being one adult supporting a kid, the other times were spent throwing him a party at your place as kids because your mom helped his uncle out a tone, even with getting custody of Eddie when he was 12, not forgetting Eddie's second home was with you.
The only thing he knows about is the small party happening with Steve and Robin at your apartment, he's no idea about the other little bits you've planned and have been that excited about you hardly slept a wink lastnight.

It was around 6:45 in the morning, Eddie still away in dream land flat on his front, hair in his face, cheek squished into his pillow and mouth slightly ajar, he was working lastnight so he should, fingers crossed, stay asleep for a few more hours letting you get what you needed done.
Quietly slipping out of bed and heading into the livingroom flicking on the lamp, not wanting to risk having too many lights on and waking him up.
You successfully hid a pack of balloons, black and red, to stick on the walls and throw about the apartment,livingroom mainly, and other Birthday decorations like streamers(fringe), banners and silly string you decided to save for Steve and Robin to attack Eddie with when they arrive.
You left it till now because Eddie doesn't fall asleep till late, so it was a little risky doing it the night before, better to do it now in the morning while he's out cold.

What felt like 1000 balloons later, a fuzzy head and tomato red face thanks to forgetting a balloon pump, you managed blowing up the entire pack, decorating the livingroom with some scattered about, others stuck to the walls, even making a cute little archway out of a couple ballons and streamers on the hallway that splits your bedroom and livingroom apart.
Decoration done, on to his birthday breakfast, deciding on a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with cut up bananas with drizzled caramel, this used to be his favourite breakfast your mom made when you were kids and he'd stay over for the night, he hasn't had it this way in so long.
Pancakes stacked onto a plate with the banana on the side you set it on a tray so he could eat it in bed, getting his coffee made and carefully carrying it back to the bedroom, dodging balloons on the way.

He was still sleeping in the same position on his front, but had stretched one of his arms across to your side of the bed, covers half off him like they always ended up.
Smiling to yourself when you managed to get everything done without him waking up, standing beside the bed with his breakfast.
"Happy birthday Eddieeee....wakey wakeyyy"
You say, whispered softly but loud enough it got him to stir awake,
Scrunching up his face and stretching out both of his arms with a sleepy "MMM" before yawning and rubbing his eyes as he rolled onto his back, noticing you there with a tray he smiles and waves a little, sitting himself up against the wall.
You carefully climbed onto the bed with the tray which he took from you, slowly setting it in his lap as you held onto the hot mug so it doesn't spill on him.

"What's thisss"
He says with a raspy voice, smiling down at his breakfast as you sit beside him on your knees.
"Birthday breakfast..!"
You say leaning over to kiss his cheek, he lent into.
"Well aren't you sweet, thank you beautiful it looks delicious. Haven't had pancakes this way since..I don't even remember"
Making you smile that he somewhat remembered he used to have this on his birthday.
"Mhm..mom did it for you alllll the time on your birthday when you came over, probably doesn't taste as good as hers but-"
You reply with a chuckle, shrugging your shoulders a bit, he playfully frowns disagreeing with you and went to cut into his pancakes but you stopped him just in time.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now