"Munson, welcome back "

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It's around 5:20pm on a Thursday, work rush at family video has slowed down,finally.
You Steve and Robin where sitting behind the front desk with an empty shop,the odd customer or two would come in.
You and Robin were trying to get Steve to tell the both of you how his date went the other night, but he's being rather quiet about it and brushing all the times you both tried getting him to say.

"Come on Steeeve tell us...! pleeease. We're like your best friends"
You say tugging the bottom of his work jacket,
"We only want to look out for youuu"
Robin adds pouting at him and begs with her hands clasped together , Steve rolls his eyes and turns to lean his back against the counter, facing you and Robin sat in spinny chairs infront of him.
"...Ughh alright ok fine...!"
He says rubbing his face, you and Robin smirk at eachother then look back to Steve. 
"The date was fine but, honestly she didn't like Poltergeist 2 so it kinda put me off..."

He starts explaining, Steve being one of the biggest movie lovers you know

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He starts explaining, Steve being one of the biggest movie lovers you know...that also didn't surprise you for him to turn a girl down this time around over their opinion on a movie.
You and Robin say at the same time, knowing that was one of his favourites.

"How can she not like that one?! That's...WAY better than the first one..."
You reply getting a nod of agreement from Steve.
"Mmmno actually I take that back, I think the first one is better"
Robin adds nodding with herself, yours and Steves head turn towards her in shock
"Robin you're insane the second one is better!"
You tell her,Steve quick to jump in after you
"SO BETTER, Buckley what the hell!? Really...? We're watching that tonight I can't believe you said that..."
He crosses one arm around himself,covering his mouth with the palm of his other hand shaking his head at Robin in disappointment.

"For once I'm in 100% agreement with Steve, you need to be converted to the poltergeist 2 side"
You say spinning yourself around in the chair a few times out of boredom.
"Thank you yln"
Steve says, shaking his head at Robin
"I'm disappointed in you...so so disappointed"
He mumbles, Robin sighs out loud
".....You guys are idiots. But fine we'll watch it tonight. But don't you dare tell me that Nightmare on Elm street or any movie like that beats sleep away camp. I'm at least right on that"
She explains confidently leaning back in her chair, it goes silent,
You and Steve stare at eachother as if you were trying to read eachothers minds on what the others thinking
"Please tell me you're thinking the same thing..."
You ask him, not breaking the stare you both had at eachother

"Depends yn what are you thinking??"
He adds squinting at you slightly.
"Ohh...oh I've done something now, this is gonna be good"

oh I've done something now, this is gonna be good"

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Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now