(2)Not my mom you dont...

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Fucking asshole was using him against you.
"Come with me"
Billy tells you again this time sounding more like an order.


I'm sorry that this was uploaded later than I said it would!😭 
As you probs know by now it was my birthday yesterday, it was pretty lonely and I might of had some devil's cabbage🍃 then accidentally fell asleep and woke up super late.
I'm sorryyyy, I hope this long
3191 words <3 chapter makes up for not posting when I said I would😶


You stood there staring at Billy as he orders you to go with him, his eyes still glaring into you tense from the argument and the moment Neil pushed him out the door, you knew he was using Eddie against you and the whole keeping him safe,he had his power over you which was mostly blackmail and threatening with Eddie's name, your mind ran with what could or even would happen if you DON'T agree and go with him

Squeezing your hands together in a fist inside your hoodie pocket you tried calming your nerves, slowly walking towards him he puts his arm out gesturing for you to walk on first, he follows behind as if he was blocking you if you tried to make a run for it.
You get to the passenger side and Billy stands close behind you, nearly pressing you against the car feeling his breath hit the back of your head,he unlocks it and reaches for the handle opening it for you.

You turn around to face him and he's looking right at you,

you look to the side out at the road and Billy's arm comes across infront of you resting on the top of his car, the other hand still holding the door now as if he blocked you from running off again, he looks you up and down slowly before you get i...

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you look to the side out at the road and Billy's arm comes across infront of you resting on the top of his car, the other hand still holding the door now as if he blocked you from running off again, he looks you up and down slowly before you get into his car then he slams it shut walking round to the drivers side getting in.
Your heart started to beat again so you gripped your hands tightly, turning your head to the side breathing out your mouth quietly to get your heart rate to slow as Billy pulls out into the road then hits the gas making your back hit against the seat.

He drove for a few minutes till you attempted to break the silence
"...What happened back there, with your father?"
You look over at him, his eyes now staring out into the road he  squints slightly annoyed then shook his head "no"  tightening his grip on the wheel, you look down at your lap
"Can I at least know where we're going?"
You ask and he let's out a deep sigh like he was getting annoyed you kept talking

What happened back there, with your father?" You look over at him, his eyes now staring out into the road he  squints slightly annoyed then shook his head "no"  tightening his grip on the wheel, you look down at your lap "Can I at least know where...

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