Back to your roots.

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⚠️Mention of hard drugs/hard drug use.
Childhood trauma/abuse talk.

11605 Words<3

It's been almost 6 weeks since Eddie's dad showed his face in Hawkins, threatened him pinned to the wall of your apartment, drained his savings, trashed his uncles trailer and ruined a chance at a financially stable future for Ed when he stole the heirloom ring that was given to him by Wayne, and worth over 28k.
Eddie knew that he'd take the ring as far out of Hawkins as the money he got from his savings would take him, god knows where that would be, THEN pawn the ring, wasting the money on gambling, paying for sex, getting shit face drunk, and as much as you hated to admit it...You knew Eddie was right, that he'd of probably done all that by now.

He said he's over it now, the whole situation with his dad, over his savings being taken, along with the ring, but you knew Eddie, he's always been a pro at bottling up his feelings and ignoring them, coping in ways he knows how.
You knew he wasn't alright with it all still, even almost 6 weeks later, of course you'd ask him daily how he was feeling, but he'd say
"I'm alright" and give you a fake smile in hopes to reassure you, it didn't.
You also knew not to push him in opening up, or confronting him that he really wasn't alright, because he'd get worked up and irritated, that was the last thing you wanted to do.
One way of coping and taking his mind off it all was his job at the garage, he's been working overtime a lot, almost every day since the incident, you'd see him when he gets home after dinner time which means you both eat late, seeing him not as often as before sucks, course it does, but working is taking his mind off things so it's good for him in a way.

Steve had dropped you off home after work early about an hour ago as Eddie was still working.
You had a few things to sort before the kids arrive after their school shenanigans which was just them taking a reeeal slow bike/skate../walk,  after school was out, you'd not seen them properly in a while as things have been pretty busy and hectic, and they all wanted to get together and hang for a few hours, Eddie knew of it and STILL wanted to work late, but he said he'd make sure he has time before the kids headed off home as he missed them.
First on the chores list was to vaccum the livingroom, it was all carpet in the front area of your apartment, the kitchen was wood flooring but it had already been mopped not long ago, same with the bathroom.
Making sure to also put out extra blankets on the sofa and Ed's armchair for the kids to watch movies comfortable, 

There was still some laundry in the dryer from lastnight you had to put away, so once everything else was sorted you got onto that, taking what was a few hoodies and pants into the bedroom and setting the small pile onto the bed to start putting away.
You both had your own set of draws which you folded up both your own and Eddie's shirts and underwear neatly away, the closet was shared and only stored thicker items of clothing that took up room in draws, like hoodies and a few spare sweatpants that had no room in the draws, it was also storage for shoes that didn't need to be out by the front door, and a box or two of old stuffed animals you hadn't found a place for yet, the closet wasn't really used much, not like the other storage options in your bedroom for clothes.

The last thing to put away was one of your fluffy robes, you'd already got your other out to wear when it got chilly around the apartment while it was being washed, deciding to just hang it up in the closet for now.
Opening up one side of the wooden bifold shutter doors and grabbing a spare hanger from the pole to shove in the arms of the robe, accidently dropping it somewhere in the back of the closet.
You sigh, kneeling down to feel around for the hanger, it was like a damn void back there, hardly able to see anything.
You hand patted around till it hit what felt like a bag of air, it sounded like it to, but it also let out a familiar smell, weed, Eddie must've dropped a joint or a bud somewhere in the closet by

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now