Battle wounds.

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It was now close to 7pm and you all said bye to Steve and Robin.
"You kids need a ride home?"
Eddie asked
"Yes please...!"
Dustin,Mike and Max said at the same time, Eddie opened the side door to his van and they all hopped in, then he opened your door at the front and you got in.
He dropped each of them off before heading back to your house and parking outside.

"Are you ok? Ed..."
You asked concerned,he looked over at you replying
"Yeah, I'm alright. Why ask?"
"You just seemed, I don't know...tense around Steve at the diner"
You said,taking off the seat belt.
Eddie looked at the steering wheel and twisted one of his rings
"No, Steves just...I don't know."
He said shaking his head making his hair fall forward at his shoulders.
You asked, he then sighed
"He just...he seems like a total jerk , I don't know"

he seems like a total jerk , I don't know"

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He shrugged rubbing the side of his neck.
You laugh slightly,
"You just need to get to know him Eddie, play nice"
You joked nudging his arm a little, getting a small smile from him.

"You coming?"
You say opening his van door
"I have something to do but, catch you later?"
He asked, you knew that he ment he was going to do some deal again, so you just nod
"Be safe, Eddie"
"Always am, doll" 
He waited for you to get inside before driving off.
You locked up and grabbed a glass of water then headed upstairs to your room,placing the cup on your night stand and walking over to the vanity picking up the walkie-talkie Dustin had given you,Eddie, Mike and Max.
All Younger than you and Eddie, you still had a good friendship with them all.

All Younger than you and Eddie, you still had a good friendship with them all

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You held down the button
"Anyone there...?"

You said into it,waiting only a few seconds
"Heeeey! y/n!"
Dustin responded excited to hear you

"Hey dude,thanks for inviting us to the Arcade today, I had fun!"
You replied
"Oh anytime anytime. Soooooo what was Eddie and Steves deal?"
He asked getting straight to the question.
"Ummm...I've really no idea, it's probably nothing. Right...?"
You ask worried , the line went silent for a moment
"Um..uh yeah! Yeah it's probably nothing"
Dustin replied with a shaky voice
"Well! Good talking with you Dusty! Catch you at school,
"Goodnight y/n! Over and out."
The line cuts off.

Making  sure that your window was unlocked incase Eddie came in,you headed to take a shower.
After showering and changing into pj's you headed downstairs to watch a movie by yourself, turning on the tv you sat on the sofa with a blanket.
Another hour had past, it was now almost midnight. Still no sign of Eddie...he must've fell asleep back at his trailer you thought. You felt your eyes get heavy and before you knew it you was in a deep sleep.

You was woken up by light knocking on the front door, you wake up slowly and look at time time
Stumbling up off the sofa rubbing your eyes you drag yourself to the door, looking into the peephole to see who it was, Eddie, you smile then unlock the door and open before noticing his body language, he was tense,looking around down at the street behind him.
You said with a little confusion watching him look behind himself, he turned to face you and you instantly gasps as what you see...his nose was bloody,he had a cut lip ,scuffs and dirt on his face and hair

"Eddie!? What's wrong what happened to you!?" You asked panicking before gently taking his cheeks into your hands scanning his face, he said nothing"Eddie talk to me, who did this to you?!"  You ask trying not to get choked up from the tears begin...

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"Eddie!? What's wrong what happened to you!?"
You asked panicking before gently taking his cheeks into your hands scanning his face, he said nothing
"Eddie talk to me, who did this to you?!" 
You ask trying not to get choked up from the tears beginning in your eyes, you've not seen him beat up before, he looks up at you, his eyes glossed over
"C-can I come in?"
He asked with a shaky voice.

Ima leave it here till tomorrow!😌 A nice cliff hanger for yooooou{{{{:
Tomorrow's page is gonna be smut stuff so get readyyyy👀

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now