Weapon of choice.

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"I promise...I won't tell a soul"
She replies smiling holding your hand tight, you lay your head on  her shoulder and she lays into you.
"Thank you Robin"


Robin stayed for a while keeping you company before she had to head back, it was getting late and you wanted to wait up for Eddie.

"Not tired yet?"
Your mom asked walking into the livingroom giving you a soft smile
"No not really. Eds just running late I'm gonna wait for him"
You reply resting your head on the sofa looking up at her,
"Ok hun, well I'm heading to my shift I'll be back normal time in the morning,don't forget to lock the door, I love you"
She tells you kissing her hand and waving to you
"I love you,mom"
You smile and she heads off to work.

You sat watching some murder show on tv curled up in a blanket, a few minutes pass and you thought you heard something but just brushed it off knowing how you get watching things like this alone, but it happened again...hearing the door handle jiggle a few times making your eyes shoot towards the front door, turning the tv volume down you shot up dropping the blanket still holding onto the remote like it would save your ass if someone IS trying to break in, You didn't know if you were hearing things or what till you see the door handle turn, you run and hide behind the corner in time as the lock clicks, you definitely wasn't hearing things, holding the tv remove to your chest with both hands

The door opens, chains jingle and then it closes, your heart racing as footsteps walked up the hallway closer to where you stood behind the corner, trying to quickly come up with an idea if you should either quietly walk over to the phone, or defend yourself and attack first or just run for the door when the coast was clear,
then you heard the intruder make guitar like sounds quietly as they got closer, then it clicked...
You shout jumping out from around the corner, Eddie flinches violently throwing himself against the wall into a picture frame

Eddie?!"You shout jumping out from around the corner, Eddie flinches violently throwing himself against the wall into a picture frame"AHHHH!!"

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He screams gripping his shirt over his heart when he realises it was just you, not expecting you to still be awake.
He shouts back bending down with his hands on his knees as he let's out a loud exhale.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!"
He adds now standing up straight
"I almost gave YOU a heart attack..?! You almost gave me one!"
You explain gesturing to the front door

Eddie looks confused at you, glances over to the front door then back at you
"You- you thought I was some
burglar or something?"
He asks with a smile finding it amusing

Eddie looks confused at you, glances over to the front door then back at you"You- you thought I was some burglar or something?"He asks with a smile finding it amusing

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Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now