Harrington's first time.

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Chapter 95.

4935 words<3

It had been three weeks since the letter incident, the one that you're certain Billy had posted to you, not only could you work out the handwriting from before back when it was the anniversary of your dad's death and he left those flowers on the front porch of your mom's house, he was standing outside of the apartment, far enough away that he just looked like a shadow, but you knew it was him.
Three weeks since everything felt like it was suffocating you again, there's always this small pause inbetween bad things happening, a break that you can actually sort of breathe because nothing has so far happened again, it was like Billy was giving you those breaks to feel OKAY for a few days and then BAM, back to his blackmailing and mind tricks.

When something good happens, the worry of something bad quickly following it was always a worry now, it felt like you couldn't have anything good, it felt like a waiting game for whatever he had planned next.
Since that night, everything had felt off like you were being watched constantly from every angle, left right and centre no matter if you were at work or at home, or even at the grocery store, everywhere made you feel on edge and jumpy, flinching at every sound that startled you, even boxes being dropped at work, or car doors shutting, finding that it would mostly happen when you were alone.
The other day while you were finishing up showering and just wrapped a towel around yourself, you almost slipped as you flinched hearing Eddie drop something,

instantly overthinking that what if it wasn't him?? What if someone broke in?  Though you knew Eddie was here, that wasn't possible he was the one to lock the front door, that panicked you nervously called out to him...
"Eddie....? Is that y- what was that? Are you okay?"
"Yeeah! All good, accidentally knocked off the candle from the dresser...my bad"
Realising that the candle he was talking about was in your bedroom, on the dresser just by the door but it sounded like it hit the floor right outside the bathroom.

It had also been the same amount of time since Uncle Wayne's accident at work with his wrist, he still had a few more weeks to go before he could have his cast off but he'd been getting about alright at the trailer, you and Eddie actually stayed f...

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It had also been the same amount of time since Uncle Wayne's accident at work with his wrist, he still had a few more weeks to go before he could have his cast off but he'd been getting about alright at the trailer, you and Eddie actually stayed for two nights, cooked him some meals, froze some for him to easily heat up himself, course like the old man said, he was back to work right away but paper duty, nothing that involves him lifting heavy things with his hands as he physically couldn't, the threat of an operation really made him listen which you and Eddie were pretty thankful for as bad as that sounds, it made his uncle listen for once and take things easy till he's properly healed up.


Eddie was working late, meaning he was unable to pick you up from work but thankfully Steve gave you lifts and didn't mind at all.
Robin had already shot off, some sort of emergency back home so it just left you and Steve to lock up family video which made a nice change, Steve was going to hang for a bit at the apartment but you were hoping he'd end up staying till Eddie got home around 7.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now