Best friends and THAT really is all...

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10986 words.

⚠️Suicide, Drug abuse, Discussions of SA, Mental health crisis, Death.


The alarm clock set for you and Eddie alerts you both that it was time to get up for work, both of you had to get yourselves ready and at work by 8.
As always, Ed let's out a groan for being woken up by the clock, reaching his arm over to his bedside cabinet patting around for the damn thing while mumbling
Being wide away already you decided to just turn it off yourself, leaning over him and hitting the OFF button with the bottom of your fist.
You got a couple hours of sleep, but something has been playing on your mind all yesterday and today, something you had planned on telling Eddie for a few days now but both of you being busy with work, you haven't had the time to mention it.

Kissing him on the cheek then dragging yourself out of bed, along with yanking the covers off Eddie.
"AhhH! Meeeean"
He jokingly hissed at you as he grabs the covers back.
"Up you get lazy boness come on"
Shaking his ankle which he snatches back and hides under the covers.
You sigh and climb back into the bed, standing over him.
"Eddie get up or I'll body slam you, you have work and so do I, your driving me remember..."
"Body slam me I dare you"
He replies in a deep sleepy voice that gave you butterflies, keeping his face shoved into his pillow.
"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you"
You say, seeing him grin,  you playfully drop yourself ontop of him  not fully body slamming you didn't want to him, but he still let out a faked groan, extra exaggerated of course.

Till he rolls himself over and pushing you off onto the bed, gasping as if you were offended by that.
"Ruuude! You-"
Getting cut short by a messy bed headed Eddie climbing ontop of you, making you sink into the bed evermore if that was possible.
"Now that's a better angle.."
He grins down at you, you hold off on rolling your eyes knowing where that would most likely lead, though you would if the both of you were not on a timer to get ready and leave the apartment for work.
So you just give him a sigh, with an unamused look on your face that jsut makes him chuckle.

Taking turns in the bathroom to get washed up and changed for the day you finally leave, surprisingly with enough time to go grab coffee on your way.
"Your stop m'lady, that'll be one kiss please"
He says pulling up infront of the video store,and patting the corner of his mouth with his finger.
Holding the coffees in their holder safely you lean across the console going to kiss him, put he quickly turns his face and steals a quick kiss from your lips.
"You really are mischievous y'know that? Mischievous Munson.."
You giggle stealing another kiss from.him yourself.
"Don't forget I need to talk to you about something tonight.."
You remind him, gulping down the little nerves that bubbled.
"You sure you don't want to now? I have time.."
He asks looking down at his watch.
"No, it's nothing bad or anything don't worry, it's just..a lot? And I haven't been able to ask about it as we've both been that ok?"

You ask, wanting to make sure he's not going to worry himself over it.
"Course sweetheart, I'll be finished an hour after you so I'm all yours then"
Giving you another cheeky grin making you shake your head.
He hops out of his side to go open yours, helping you out with the coffees for you Steve and Robin.
"Thank you for the lift Eddieeee"
Pecking his cheek with a kiss.

---.Family video.---

You've been at work for a couple hours now, swapping between the three of you working behind the desk and watching the till, to helping people find what they want and restocking shelves which you were on now.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now