Guard dogs.

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☡CONTENT WARNING FOR SOFT SMUT, nothing intense (yet😏) 
Argyle voice- "y/n died for four minutes my duudes... jeeez calm your horny buutts "🍑

.  2456 words<3

Your eyes slowly open as you look up at a familiar trailer ceiling,
You lifted your arms squinting at how heavy they felt bringing them to your eyes and rubbing them
Eddie said getting off the floor and coming over sitting on the edge of the bed beside you
"How you feeling?"

"Eddie said getting off the floor and coming over sitting on the edge of the bed beside you"How you feeling?"

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He asked softly, you slowly sit up leaning against the wall
" whole body feels heavy, my head hurts like a bitch"
You reply rubbing it, Eddie leans over and opens his bedside draw and pulls out some pills, taking off the cap and tipping two out.

"Migraine pills"
He said putting them in your hand then picking up the glass of water
"Do you- do you have anything besides water?"
You ask looking at him from the glass
"I can't drink water for a while"
You say smiling a little, Eddie nodded and went out to the kitchen area,then coming back
"A uh, a yoohoo?"
Eddie asked holding up the bottle,you smile and hold your hand out and he comes back over to the bed.

You hear feet running at the back of the trailer,
"Hey um Eddie we have a problem...outside"
Steve said popping his head into Eddie's bedroom,

Eddie frowned his brows and looks over at you"I'll be ok" He nods and follows Steve outside, you drag yourself over the side of Eddie's bed to the window and peek out of it

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Eddie frowned his brows and looks over at you
"I'll be ok"
He nods and follows Steve outside, you drag yourself over the side of Eddie's bed to the window and peek out of it...

"Can we help you?"
Dustin spoke standing up and walking infront of Billy.
Great why the fuck was he here
"Came to check up on y/n, I heard what happened"
He replied to Dustin looking down at him

Great why the fuck was he here"Came to check up on y/n, I heard what happened"He replied to Dustin looking down at him

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Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now