Tension at the dinner table

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You close the door after Billy leaves.

"Really,mom...I'm not even that...close with Billy." 
You ask turning around walking back to the livingroom and flopping down onto the sofa groaning.
"Then it'll be good for you, having friends for dinner. Besides Eddie could benefit from it"
She replied and you lifted your head
"Eddie has friends, mom. He just prefers to hang around with me most of the time. We practically grew up together"
You say flopping your head back down
"I know I know,  but I think he'll get on with this Billy guy, and vice versa"
She said smiling confidently.


Laying in bed you was thinking on having to break the news to Eddie about Billy joining for dinner...fuck, should you do it now, or tomorrow before 6...or just leave it and let him walk in on Billy sitting at the table...?
Nooope nope definitely not, plates and cutlery would start flyING.

You decided on telling him tomorrow BEFORE 6, a few hours to be safe. Right...?
You could even maybe persuade Billy first in not coming at all tomorrow night so you don't even have to tell Ed...oh boy it's gonna be rough.

----•MORNING SKIP•----

You got up extra early (8am) just to sort this crap out with trying to tell Billy he's NOT coming, wiggling your way out of telling Eddie about it.
You got dressed and headed out to Billy's place.

Once there you knocked on the door and waited for what felt like HOURS then Max finally opened it
"Oh, hey y/n!  You good?"
She asked smiling

Once there you knocked on the door and waited for what felt like HOURS then Max finally opened it"Oh, hey y/n!  You good?" She asked smiling

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"Um yeah, well. Kinda um...is Billy awake?"
You ask in a rush looking over at his parked car so you knew he was home, Max squinted her eyes at the word "Billy" coming out of your mouth 

"No...why do you want that asshole for?"
She asked still glaring her eyes and biting into an apple
"...I promise I'll explain everything soon Max...I'm kinda in a rush"
You say scratching your head, she rolls her eyes and drags you inside and up the stairs,
She walks to Billy's door, turns to you and smirks

I'm kinda in a rush"You say scratching your head, she rolls her eyes and drags you inside and up the stairs,She walks to Billy's door, turns to you and smirks

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before she kicks, yes KICKS, not knocks, on Billy's door
You whisper shout, she smiles and walks off putting her thumb up in the air leaving you to it.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now