"It's Hail Santa"🎅

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~3 weeks till Christmas~

You and Eddie don't get many of the same days off from work, but today was one of them and you had to head back to your moms house , AKA your childhood home, and also now your 2nd home under your own apartment with Eddie, Uncle Wayne's place being 3rd.
You still stored a couple things at your moms like childhood photo albums and important papers you didn't trust yourself with, bedroom was still kept the same for whenever you planned on staying over. 
You needed to stop by to help your mom bring down a couple boxes of Christmas decorations from the attic, she also said you and Ed can help yourself to any of them for the tree you were going to buy later today.
She wasn't going to be home due to her therapy and a work meeting right after.

"Eddieeeee...? I'm ready before you! Are you done getting dolled up?"
You shout from the livingroom, getting a couple minutes of crime docs in while he was getting ready for the day, you were up first like most of the time.
Couple minutes later the familiar sound of pant chains and keys rattling walked out of the bedroom.
He says grabbing his jacket from the coat hanger, you turn off the TV and stand up, getting a better look now at his clothes.
"...When did you get that?"
You ask with a smile, nodding at his shirt he matched OBVIOUSLY with black ripped jeans.
"Oh this?  Henderson made if for me, it's Hail Santa"
He smiles stretching out the bottom of his shirt so you can get a better look at it.

"Oh this?  Henderson made if for me, it's Hail Santa"He smiles stretching out the bottom of his shirt so you can get a better look at it

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"I liiike, that's a cool outfit Eds"
You reply getting some hair out from under his jacket for him.
"Fit for the season hu?  Thank you,I like yours sweetheart, nice Ozzy shirt"
He grins tugging at the bottom of it.
"Oh this old thing? Meh, some random dudes I don't even remember his name"
You tease with a little smirk in the corner of your lips, grabbing your own set of keys from the bowl and unlocking the front door.
"Is that right? Well he's got good taste, I bet he's hot"
Playing along with you as he stands behind you, resting a hand on your side.
"....Eh, he's alright I guess"
You chuckle stepping out of the apartment, instantly hit with cold crispy air, not followed by Eddie as you soon realise, turning around seeing him still standing in the doorway.
Crossing your arms knowing where this was about to go
"...He's alright?  Allllright?  He sounds pretty fucking great to me yn"
Copying you in crossing his arms, licking the inside of his cheek pretending to me offended.
"Letting all the heat out"
You tell him with a laugh,

he uncrosses one arm and steps outside properly closing up the apartment, then going right back to standing his ground. 
You both just stare at eachother for a minute, knowing he wasn't going to crack till you "apologise" .
"He's a really cool person, the best actually , and yes he's hot , like..
Soooo,so hot"
Cooing the "soooo" all exaggerated and lovey, which made him grin, finally locking up the front door and jogging over to you a few feet away, throwing his arm over your shoulder and pecking your cheek with a kiss.

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now