"Is that a threat or a promise?"

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----3 Days ago----

You were up way earlier than you needed to be for work, already showered you just needed to change out of pj's you put back on to be comfy before having to leave for the day.
Eddie was still sleeping upstairs and after you had showered you headed downstairs to watch some TV wasting time,already on your second cup of coffee with a half eating bit of toast you didn't feel like finishing.

It was now 6:35, hearing someone very sleepy yawn and stretch as they walk into the livingroom before flopping down on the sofa laying their head into your lap.
"Your bed head gets crazier every morning"
Smiling down at a sleepy Eddie in your lap, he brushes his hair out of his face
"Still beautiful?"
He asks yawning,then smiling with his eyes closed
"Oh very, the most beautiful"
Replying as you comb out his bangs with your fingers, one thing you were jealous about was how damn fast his hair grows, you needed to trim his bangs AGAIN

You finish combing them and making it look all neat,till he goes and blows them everywhere smiling as he messes up your work
Playfully shoving your hand over his face which he licks
"You the beautiful one"
He says laying up off you and stretching his arms out infront of him,
"How long have you been up?"
Reaching over to the coffee table for the toast you left on the plate, he splits it in half and sits beside you with his legs up on the table,handing you half before biting into his.

Taking your half to force down, you knew you had to eat more before working and Ed knows your eating habits haven't been great lately,he always made sure you at least had a bit more even if he splits it with you to make you eat.
"Two hours or so, couldn't you sleep anymore?"
You ask turning your head towards him watching the nature program you hadn't been bothered to change channels since turning on the TV.
"Nah,driving you to work soon so I got up"
He says pointing to the coffee mug you were holding,
handing it over for him to finish off

"I can walk you know, you don't need to usher me around"
You smile turning to the screen laying your head back againt the sofa
"Yeah I do, all princesses have one silly"
He says confidently, you laugh slightly and lay your head to the side,  seeing him holding the remaining bit of toast he had in one hand and your coffee in the other, staring back and forth at them both 
".....Do not you filthy bit-"
Knowing exactly what he was thinking, he smirks not letting you finish your sentence, dipping the toast into the mug before biting the soggy end off,

Do not you filthy bit-"Knowing exactly what he was thinking, he smirks not letting you finish your sentence, dipping the toast into the mug before biting the soggy end off,

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"I'm filthyyyyy"
He whines like a girl turning to you smirking proudly
"Oh well we agree on something, good thing I was finished drinking that. Now that you've put crumbs in it"
You shiver, hating even thinking about crumbs in your coffee or tea, even from dipping cookies you had to do it in Eddie's drink and not your own.
"Surprisingly not bad"
He says leaning forward to set the mug down
"At least it was just butter and not jam or something. Still grosssss"
You tease wiggling away from him on the sofa
"Oooh do we have jam? That would be yu-"
Quickly cutting him off

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now