IMPORTANT update, 2024.

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Hey Eddieho3s!! 

I hope you all had a good Christmas if you celebrate, and happy new year!

I know it's been about a month, if not a bit longer, since I have updated you on chapters and on my profile, Life has been extremely busy plusss Wattpad is STILL experiencing the same issue I mentioned the last chapter I published, which was 'unable to edit story with many parts- Android' on the app, I had been editing and publishing chapters via my phone and using Wattpad that way as it was my only way to use this site, till the bug issue came up over 3 months ago, and i'm still not able to put out chapters using my phones app because they haven't fixed the bug, it's been months and I've sent several report tickets about it, you'd think the app would work properly with how many updates it has :(

I was able to publish the most recent chapter using my brothers laptop, but I don't live with him so I wasn't able to continue using it for writing, plus he uses his laptop a lot so I was only able to borrow it for a couple hours when he was visiting for the day. BUUUUT , now this is the exciting part... as i'm THAT invested in this book, and because I love you Eddieho3s very much...I got myself a laptop! sort of,  so i'm now able to get chapters edited and published for you, YAAY<3  it's pretty sad/embarrassing (for me personally)  that i'm 24 and only now just getting my first laptop BRAND NEW, I've always had second hand items on tech.

I'm updating you on it right now, and it's working great! I decided on a Lenovo Chromebook as it was around my price range on sale (I'm a broke b!tch and can't afford those apple products lmao) but it's allowing me to do what I got it for, which was literally just writing and updating my book for you guys :))  I'm just playing around and getting used to it. I know a Chromebook is different to a laptop, but it looks like a laptop's a laptop LOL, it's how my brain works, I've been calling it what it looks like. 

SO, now that I've got my chro-laptop, and finallyyy able to update on chapters and such, A NEW ONE IS IN THE WORKS and will be published in a few days! <3  I had been writing it up on my phone notes so I just have a bit more to add and then I can transfer it all onto here, then publishhh^-^  I've been writing for most of today, it's a long one...might even break my record for the longest chapter THUS far, maybe, I'm not 100% sure on that but I've already filled up 9 note pages worth of writing on my phone soOoOo...we'll see haha.

Happy New year ho3s, I'm very excited to create more chapters for this book, and see where it goes, and how it grows (sounds V s3xual)  for another year!<3


{Pssst, if you'd like to stay up-to-date with me outside of Wattpad, you can drop your Instagrams in the comments and I'll add you<3 if ur not comfortable publicly sharing your social media name on here, (like me) then you can send me a message on here instead! I won't be dropping my username publicly so that's why I asked you guys to drop yours if ur alright doing so. Before adding me, I'm 24, and NOT a spam/meme account.} 

This book is meant to be 18's only on a couple parts, but I can't control who reads and I can't keep under 18's out... :/  

Best friends, and THAT'S all... ♡Eddie munson♡Where stories live. Discover now