A slight Issue

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Eddie walked out, still heated from punching Steve,  you swear if it was possible there would be steam coming off of him,he kept a grasp on your arm pulling you  behind him as your feet try to keep up
"Eddie....Eddie,  Eddie slow down!"
You say to him, he turned to face you, his eyes still full or anger
"I should've done more than that to him!"
He said letting go of your arm and putting his hands behind his head pacing up and down by his van trying to cool off

"What to you mean more Eddie?  You've probably broken his fucking nose!" You said seriously, "I'm going back in there and  teaching that bastard! a lesson" He said pointing,well more like stabbing, his finger at the video store trying to walk back...

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"What to you mean more Eddie?  You've probably broken his fucking nose!"
You said seriously,
"I'm going back in there and  teaching that bastard! a lesson"
He said pointing,well more like stabbing, his finger at the video store trying to walk back but you got infront of him putting your hands on his chest stopping him making his eyes immediately look into yours
"No Eddie,  your not. Now calm it and breathe"
You say this time with a calmer tone, Eddie's chest rising and lowering under your hands his heart still racing.

"Let's drive ok? We can go to a spot and chill out"
You tell him and he just nods.
You both get into the van and you just let Eddie drive anywhere,his hands turning yellow from the tight grip he had on the wheel, the drive was silent before Eddie went off road and onto a small  dirt path and pulled up on a secluded spot in the woods.
You knew he was still Pissed, and the only thing that came to mind that would help him calm down was weed. 

"Do you have any weed left?"
You asked him and he looks over at you confused as you've only smoked it twice and one of those times was when you met him for the first time.
"Do you have a blunt on you? You need to smoke Eddie your to tense" 
You reply
"Yeah, I have my own stash"
He said opening up the glove box pulling out a small bag, he sets it on his lap and starts rolling a joint.

 "Do you have a blunt on you? You need to smoke Eddie your to tense"  You reply "Yeah, I have my own stash" He said opening up the glove box pulling out a small bag, he sets it on his lap and starts rolling a joint

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"I want some to"
You say watching his hands as his veins become more prominent from the movement of his fingers rolling the blunt between them

"You want the first?"
He asks and you shake your head
"No, you take it"  
You reply,knowing he needs it more.  Eddie lights the blunt and takes a hit, blowing out the smoke before inhaling it back into his nose holding for a second, then exhaling it back out from his mouth, he sighs in relief and lays his head back against his van window.

You sit there watching him relax with his eyes closed, looking down at his neck at his adams apple poking out,you was eye fucking him.Again. He then sits up and takes another hit before passing it to you, you felt safe doing this with Eddie,you knew he'd help you ride out the high.   
You take it between your lips, before blowing out. Eddie's eyes staring into you making you look over at him, then Eddie slowly leans forward, his face was inches from yours and your heart starts fluttering, oh God...

He takes the blunt from your hand and eyes your lips before licking his own, seductively like,
What's going through his mind...?
he holds the blunt to your lips
"Hit it and kiss me" 
He whispers in a demanding tone,
Your breathing jumps slightly
You ask looking at him
"You heard what I said" 

He adds, raising his eyebrow you take another hit as he holds it and look down at his lips, you kissed him, nothing that you haven't done before, and you both admitted that you liked it so what's the harm, it's just a kiss,right? 

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He adds, raising his eyebrow you take another hit as he holds it and look down at his lips, you kissed him, nothing that you haven't done before, and you both admitted that you liked it so what's the harm, it's just a kiss,

He leans in more taking in the smoke and letting it flow out the sides of his mouth as he deepens the kiss, your lips molded  together then your tongues slide over eachothers and he places both of his hands on the sides of your cheeks, his fingers tickling your earlobes and the cold press of his rings sending a shiver down your spine,your body feeling fuzzy from his touch mixed in with the high.   
He slowly pulls away and smirks before leaning back in his seat and takes a last hit of the blunt then passes you it to finish, you do so and put it out on his dashboard, you've seen him do it before so he doesn't mind.
"I want to hotbox your van sometime Ed"
You ask giggling laying back in your seat, Eddie smiles and laughs a little under his breath

 "I want to hotbox your van sometime Ed" You ask giggling laying back in your seat, Eddie smiles and laughs a little under his breath

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"We can do that sometime, sweetheart"
He replies.  A few minutes go past and your feeling fuzzy still, but it was good

"You feel ok?"
He asks turning his head to the side at you, you turn your head resting it on the seat and just smile and nod feeling your head get fuzzy from the weed. He smiles back 
"Your eyes are beautiful when you get high, sweetheart. There beautiful sober to but-"
He keeps staring into them making you noticeable blush
"So are yours,Eddie" 
You say not able to keep eye contact from the amount he's making you blush, He reaches his hand over and lifts your chin up to look at him, his thumb moves up to your lip and gently presses against it  
You whisper, his eyes slowly looking up from your lips to your eyes
"K-kiss me..." 

You asks, you didn't need to tell him twice, before you could blink Eddie was leaning over his gear stick pressing his lips onto yours again rapidly becoming a battle of two tongues you both let out soft groans which coming from you made Eddie crazy,his hands crept up your legs and stopped at your thighs gripping them.

Eddie's lips then slighly twitched to the side against your lips,but it was a different feeling, it felt like something was wrong. 
He pulls away putting his jacket in his lap instantly and lays back in his seat with his arms up over his head and his hands holding the head rest tight,you look over at him as he lightly bounces his head against the head rest.
What's  up with him??


ON 😌<3

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