Love of a Lifetime

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[We interrupt the episodes to bring you something special.

There will be language, as like in Ghostfacers, 3x13, as this is standalone, and Holly will be talking and cursing as she would be.

The song above I imagine for Holly and Nate.]

Holly raised her hand to ask for another drink and banged her head as she tried to read the articles about the missing hearts. The words were swimming off the page and she was about to toss them to the floor when a brunet guy sat next to her. "Easy."

"Easy? This isn't easy!"

The man frowned. "What's not easy? The hunt or the words?"

"The- Wait a minute. How'd you know about that?"

"Nathaniel Green. Call me Nate. Fellow hunter. It's an honor to meet you, Holly Winchester; considering what I've heard about you."

"Great. I'm super well-known."

"All good things, don't worry. Can I help?"

"Sure, Nate. Do me a favor and figure out what the article says. I got an idea of where the nest is, but I'm thinking this article might offer some clarification."

Nate glanced at Holly, seeing her brow furrowed. "You okay?"

Holly thought for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." She took a sip of her beer and smiled.

Nate looked closer at the article. "So, there's a barn at the end of Miller Road. My guess is that's where the vamps are hiding out. You wanna- Holly? What are you doing?"

She met his eyes. "I'm gonna kill those vamps."

"No, no, wait. We need to prepare."

"We are prepared. I got machetes and we know where they are."

"It's nearing midnight. Vamps are night owls. We can go in the morning, okay?"

Holly narrowed her eyes. "No, we go now."

Nate followed her out of the bar. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"Why are you yelling at me?!"

"Because you're being stupid!"

"Oh, fuck off, Nate."

"No way. Yeah I barely know you, but I don't like where your head's at, and I'll be damned if I let you go into that vamp nest alone at midnight. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna find a motel, and we're gonna sleep, and tomorrow, we're gonna kill those vampires. Okay?"

Nate's gaze bore into Holly's and she sighed. "Fine. But only to get you to lay the hell off."

They made their way to a motel and Nate got a room for them.

As soon as they entered, Holly fell face forward on the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, they made their way to the barn where Nate figured the vamps were, and sure enough, they were there.

Swiftly, they beheaded the vampires.

Holly looked up at Nate and said, "Well, that was fun."

Nate frowned. "Should I be worried about you?"



Holly whipped around to face him. "No. That's Dean's nickname for me."

"Okay, then what do I call you?"

"Holly's just fine."

Nate sighed. "Okay, fine. Nice job, Holly. I heard you were good, but damn. You're better than they say."

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