XCI. (91) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Part I)

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[The Song Remains the Same]

Dean woke up from a dream and Cas appeared in their motel room.

Cas drew a symbol on a table while Sam and Holly were sitting on the beds, Sam on the further one, and Dean paced.

Dean frowned. "Really? Anna? I don't believe it."

Cas nodded. "It's true."

"So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome."

Cas straightened up, confused. "Who's Glenn Close?"

Holly laid down and spread her hands across the bed. "You'll understand in time."

Dean walked over closer to Sam and said, "No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits."

Sam frowned. "So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?"

Dean shook his head. "No, Sam, come on."

Sam glanced at Dean, then Holly, and back to the angel. "Cas, what do you think. Does Anna have a point?"

Dean and Holly looked at Cas and he glanced at them and back at Sam. "No. She's, uh, Glenn Close."

Holly rolled her eyes as Sam looked down as Holly and Dean walked back over to Cas.

"I don't get it." Dean said. "We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam? Why poke the bear?"

"Anna will keep trying." Cas replied. "She won't give up until Sam is dead. So we kill her first." He poured oil into a bowl sitting on the table, "Zod ah ma ra la ee est la gi ro sa."

The bowl shot a red flame. Cas stepped away from the table and leaned on the back of a chair, eyes closed, and breathed heavily. The siblings looked at him in worry.

Cas looked up. "I've found her."

"Where is she?" Holly asked.

"Not where. When." He straightened. "It's 1978."

"What?" Sam questioned, standing up to join his siblings. "Why 1978? I wasn't even born yet."

"You won't be if she kills your parents."


Cas walked up to them. "Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them."

"Take us back right now." Dean ordered.

"And deliver you to Anna? I should go alone."

"They're our parents. Cas, we're going."

"It's not that easy." Cas replied, walking a few steps away.

"Why not?" Sam and Holly asked.

"Time travel was difficult even with the powers of heaven at my disposal."

"Which cut off." Sam said.

Dean frowned. "So, what, you're like a DeLorean without enough plutonium?"

"I don't understand that reference." Cas answered. "But I'm telling you, taking this trip, with passengers no less," he shook his head, "it'll weaken me."

Holly crossed her arms and walked up to Cas, followed by Dean and she said, "They're our parents, Cas. Our mom and dad. If we can save 'em, not just from Anna, but if we can set things right, we've got to try."

Cas shook his head at her words.

They got set to go and after awhile, Cas asked, "Ready?"

Sam took the bag from Cas and swung it on his shoulder. "Not really." Sam replied.

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