III. Dream On

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(Image of Holly, age five, above)

Four Years Later

Dean: 12
Sam: 8
Holly: 5

Berkeley, California: December 16, 1991

"Dean!" Holly exclaimed.

He turned to look at her. "What, Holly? You keep repeating my name over and over. What do you want?"

Holly grinned, showing most of her teeth. "I like how your name sounds. Daddy's gone. Where'd he go? Can we listen to Metalca?"

Dean mentally cursed. It was a mistake to introduce her Dad's music. Although, she does have good taste. "Dad's busy. He's a mechanic. Remember? And it's Metallica; not Metalca."

Holly frowned. "No, Metalca."

Once again, Dean rolled his eyes. "You're annoying."

From his spot on the bed, Sam said, "Dean's lying. I know what Dad really does."

Dean shot his brother a look. "Sam, shut up!"

"Sam, shut up!" Holly repeated.

"Stop it, Holly! Don't say shut up."

"Stop it, Holly! Don't say shut up."

Sam started laughing at her mimicking. Holly looked up at Dean and smiled sweetly. Lately, she'd been playing a game where she repeated one person. Dean hated it, even when he wasn't being mimicked, and when Sam wasn't being mimicked, he enjoyed it. Even their dad played a little before telling Holly to stop.

Dean narrowed his eyes at the little girl. "Holly, if you don't stop, so help me I won't make macaroni and cheese for you anymore and I'll hide the ketchup."

Holly's eyes started watering and soon, she was crying.

"Look what you did, Dean." Sam chastised. "You made her cry. You need to make it up to her."

"How?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. Figure it out. Ask her."

Dean glared at his brother before asking, "Holly? Did you want to watch something?"

Holly nodded. "The Belle movie."

Dean let out a sigh. "Again? Can't we choose a different movie?"

Holly's lips started quivering and Dean groaned. "Okay, fine! We can watch Beauty and the Beast for the millionth time."

"What's millionth?" Holly wondered.

"Millionth is a million." Sam replied. "A million is a one with six zeros behind it." Sam counted each zero on fingers to show her.

Holly's eyes widened. "That's a lot!"

Dean laughed softly. "She acts like that's the most amazing thing ever."

Sam glanced to his brother. "It is to her, Dean. She's five."

"I'm almost six!" Holly announced, holding up six fingers.

Dean ruffled her hair before saying, "Your movie is ready your highness."

As she made her way to the couch, she asked, "Where's popcorn?"

Dean and Sam shared a look and Dean said, "We don't have popcorn, but we have pie in the fridge."

Holly nodded in satisfaction and jumped onto the lumpy couch. "Pie!"

Sam grabbed the apple pie from the fridge and as they were starting the movie, John entered the room. "Pack your stuff, kids. Job's finished. We're leaving."

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