XC. (90) Same Old Song and Dance (Part II)

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Holly stood near the nurses' station, across the hall from Dean, and watched people walk by in a round ceiling. Dr. West walked up to her and she smiled. "Hey, Doc. What's up?"

"You tell me." Dr. West replied.

"I'm hunting. There's a wraith hangin' about. Could be anyone."

Dr. West raised an eyebrow. "So you're saying I could be a monster?"

Holly looked into the mirror and shook her head. "Nope, you're fine."

"Why you, Holly?"

"Why me, what?"

"Why do you have to hunt monsters? Why can't someone else do it?"

Holly shrugged. "No one else is that dumb." She sIghed. "It's my job. It's something I've always done. Someone's gotta protect people and save their asses, including yours."

"So is there an allocation of people you have to save? Or do you think you have to save everyone?"

"I got to. It's a whole big world out there with--"

"With what?"

Holly remained silent and Dr. West said, "Whatever you're keeping quiet, I guarantee I've heard weirder."

Holly pursed her lips. "It's the end of the world. A damn Biblical apocalypse. And if I don't stop it, and save everyone's asses, no one will, and everyone dies."

"That's awful."

"You can say that again."

"Whether the apocalypse happens or not, if there are monsters or not, that's such a weight on your shoulders. To feel like all six billion lives depend on you. How do you manage to get up in the morning?"

"I honestly have no idea."

Dr. Fuller walked up and smiled. "Hello, Maya."

"Heya, Doc." She frowned, seeing his face shrivel and hair whiten; almost like a monster.

Holly joined Dean and Martin in the hall just as Sam walked up. "Alright, I had to raid three nurses' stations to get these."

Sam handed a letter opener to Dean. "They're only silver-plated, but they should work." He handed one to Martin and one to Holly.

Dean noticed Wendy walking up and frowned. "Oh, no, no, no. Not today, sweetheart. Come on, keep walking. I..."

Wendy walked up to Sam, pushed him against the wall, and kissed him. Dean and Holly watched in shock. Sam waited for Wendy to finish.

When she pulled away, she said, "I want him now." She looked at Dean. "He's larger."

They watched Wendy walk away and Dean said, "Hm." He shrugged at Sam. "You've had worse."

Sam ignored his brother's words. "Fuller is on call tonight, so we'll have to hit him after lights out. All four of us."

Martin frowned. "What? No."

Dean turned to him. "Martin, we gotta get past securities, past the orderlies, and then cut the boss-man's throat, okay? It's gonna suck start to finish, but we could use the backup."

"Oh, I can't. I can't." He started walking off.

"We know what happened in Albuquerque." Sam told him.

Martin stopped. "You don't know the half of it." He turned to them. "God, I used to be just like you three. I used to think I was invincible, and then...Well, I found out I'm not."

"Martin, you're still a hunter." Holly reassured.

"No. I'm not. I'm useless. Why do you think I checked myself into the Hotel California? I'd give anything to help you boys and lady, I would. But, I-I can't. I'm sorry. I can't.""

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