VII. Behind Blue Eyes

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John, Dean, and Holly exited the hospital. He dropped his kids off at a motel before driving off to check on something else, since the hospital had proved basically useless for information.

Dean walked up to the front desk and handed the receptionist a credit card that said Louis Smith. "One room, please."

The receptionist looked between the siblings. "Honeymoon? Or are you two just cozying up in a room for the night?"

Dean made a face. "She's my sister!"

The receptionist shrugged. "I've seen stranger things in my day."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Holly questioned.

He remained silent. "Here's the key to your room. Stay outta trouble."

They entered their room and Dean said, "So, since we're on lockdown, what do you want to do?"

Holly smirked. "I have my laptop with me. We could watch Beauty and the Beast."

"You bad, bad girl!" Dean joked. "You're kidding, right? You still like that movie after all these years?"

"It's my favorite Disney movie. 'Sides; don't deny that you don't enjoy watching it with me."

"I do." Dean admitted.

Holly poked him teasingly and pulled up the movie. Soon, the compact, grungy motel room was filled with voices ringing. Holly winced, hearing Dean's horribly off-key rendition of Belle. Dean shot her a look. "Hey; my voice isn't that bad. Come on. You love my singing."

She shook her head. "No, I don't. Why would you think that? You can't sing to save your life. Me, on the other hand, I can."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "You can, huh? Sure, H. Sure."

Holly punched him. "At least I can actually sing, Deanna."

Dean frowned. "You're reverting to that again? What are you? Five?"

"You're the one that started it. When do you think Dad will be back?"

"Not sure. You know hunts can take awhile. For all we know, this could be one of those hunts."

"I sure hope not. I hate when Dad's gone for long periods of time." She winced slightly, feeling cramps. "Crap."

Dean's brow furrowed. "What?"

"I, uh, I think I need to borrow Baby."

"Hell no. Whatever you need, you can tell me."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Spill."

"I need..." Holly stood up and walked to her stuff. "I might have some in my bag."

She rifled through her bag and pulled out a pad and let out a relieved sigh. She ran into the bathroom to put it on.

Dean, meanwhile, scrolled through his contacts to find Sam's number. He debated calling his brother to find out how he was doing, but decided against it.

He closed his phone and pocketed it as Holly appeared from the bathroom. "You didn't call him, did you?"

Dean met her eyes. "How'd you know?"

Holly rolled her eyes. "Cause I know you, Dean. You're having this inner turmoil with yourself and you're refusing to call Sam cause you're afraid of being shut out."

"Well, since you know me so well--"

"D, I've lived with you for 19 years. I've studied your every move, listened to the same music, and ate the same foods. So, yeah. I think I know you pretty damn well."

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