XCVII. (97) Who Made Who

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Season Six

[Exile on Main St.]

Nate shook Holly awake and her eyes opened. "Come on. We got a lead on the shifter."

"Is it too much to ask for a decent night of sleep?"

"Well, if you weren't staying up until three, drinking your sorrows--"

"Nope. Can it, handsome. What's the lead?"

He showed her a video and she smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Let me freshen up and then we can gank this son of a bitch."

That night, after killing the shifter, Holly and Nate were walking past a deserted building, and heard a scream. Against his better nature, Nate ran in after his reckless girlfriend.

Holly was kneeling beside claw marks in blood and asked softly, "What the hell happened here?"

Nate shook his head and was about to answer when they heard something. Nate instantly grabbed Holly's hand and pulled her away.

They made their way back to the motel and Nate pulled out his laptop as Holly spoke on the phone. "No one has called about a missing person. No, this was today. So, there's no reports of anything weird near the hotel renovation? Mm-hmm. It's just a hunch. Thank you for the help."

"So that was useless. You found anything, babe?"

Nate shook his head. "Nothing. It's like this never happened. Are you sure there's something here?"

Holly nodded. "Yeah. I don't know what it is, but something's here." She noticed claw marks and blood on the wall behind Nate. She blinked a few times and saw that it was gone. "Tell me you saw that."

"I didn't see anything, Holly. Are you okay?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure."

Her eyes widened, seeing Azazel. "Hey, Holly. Look what the cat dragged in. You have fun sniffing the whole apocalypse trail? I know I did."

Holly shook her head. "No, you can't be here."

"Sure I can! And I am."


"Sweetheart, I'm here live and in the flesh. The man upstairs brought your guardian angel Cas back, right? So why shouldn't be bring me back? Adds a little flavor, don't you think?"

"Holly?" Nate asked in confusion, as it was just the two of them in the motel room.

Holly stabbed him with her knife. "Really? After everything we've been through? You know, you got a pretty good life. Doing what you're good at, what you love. You got a guy who loves you. But you had to know I was coming back sooner or later. You can't outrun your past." He started strangling Holly, and Nate tried to help, but there wasn't much he could do.

The door was kicked open and a figure came up from behind to save her.

Holly woke up in an abandoned house. Nate was leaning against a table and his eyes widened to see her okay. She saw Dean and someone she never thought she'd see again.

Sam looked between his siblings. "Hey, Dean. Hey, Holly. I was expecting, uh...I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face--something."

Dean frowned. "So we're dead? This is Heaven? Yellow Eyes killed me, and now--"

Holly turned to him. "Yellow Eyes killed me too."

Nate shook his head as Sam said, "Yellow Eyes? That's what you two saw? You see anything, man?"

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