CXI. (111) White Wedding

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[Season Seven, Time For a Wedding]

Holly sighed, talking to a waiter at a bar. "So, doctor in training, huh?"

The waiter laughed. "Yeah. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it. Saving people, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it."

"Alright, I'm gonna ask. What's your deal?"

"My deal?"

"Yeah, you look like someone killed your cat."

Holly sighed. "Well, I got this friend. He's got a younger brother. Cannon's kinda loose. His reactor blew recently and it's not good. My friend--he, uh...he's been sitting, waiting to see if something explodes."

"And I assume it did?"

"See, that's the thing. It didn't. Kid's reasonable now, considering he's crazy. Well, not crazy crazy--I think things might be getting a little better."

"That's a good thing, right?"

"It's a miracle. Well, except when it happens on annual pilgrimage to Vegas...and he goes off into the desert himself to eat granola and hike."

"Maybe he just needs some time alone."


"After all, we all need to face ourselves sometime."

"You're right. Maybe he does."

"I wasn't talking about him."

Holly's phone beeped with a message at 10:23 pm.

From: Sammy

348 Twain Ave

Wear FED dress!

Holly raised an eyebrow. "Speak of the devil. He's three blocks away?"

The waiter smiled. "See, big bro needs you after all."

She changed into her Fed dress and was soon joined by Dean. The two of them walked down a hallway and drew their guns as a light flickered above them. They moved closer to the double doors and Sam opened them. He was wearing a suit and a pink boutonniere. Dean and Holly pointed their guns at him.

Sam smiled. "Dean. Holly. It's okay. You two won't need that. Come on."

Sam placed a hand on his siblings' shoulders and led them into the chapel. Holly frowned, seeing a man and woman against a wall. The man was doing a crossword and the woman was reading a book.

"I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some crap." Dean said.

Holly nodded. "Yeah, I thought you were good as gone."

Sam shrugged them off. "You two got to--come here." He moved his siblings into position. "Alright. Now..."

Dean turned to the man and woman. "Hi."

Sam pinned a pink boutonniere on Dean, who asked, "What is this?"

"Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty." He slid a pink corsage around Holly's wrist.

Dean frowned. "Alright, so, what's the pretext? What are we--uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?"

"No. Nothing like that. Alright, um...So, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter." He placed a hand on his siblings' shoulders. "I'm in love. And I'm getting married." Holly and Dean stared at him. "Say something, like, uh, like "congratulations", for example."

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