CIV. (104) Gallows Pole

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Sam frowned. "It's here, somewhere. I know it." He turned to Bobby. "Help me move this."

Sam and Bobby moved Samuel's desk to reveal a trapdoor. "I'll be damned." Bobby replied.

Sam, Dean, Bobby, Holly, and Nate made their way down the ladder.

"Welcome to the Campbell family library." Sam said.

Dean looked around. "So, Samuel collected all this stuff, huh?"

Sam nodded. "Apparently."

"Wow." Holly mumbled. "Okay, well, what are we lookin' for?"

Bobby met her eyes. "Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings. Pick a row."

The five of them dispersed and started looking through books in the library. "Bingo." Bobby said, and the five of them sat at the table in the middle of the room. "Any of you jokers ever heard anything about a Phoenix?"

"River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?" Dean asked.

"Is it named Fawkes?" Holly asked with a laugh.

Bobby frowned slightly at the two of them. "It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the mother."

"The mother?" Sam questioned.

Dean groaned. "Great. Where do we get one?"

Bobby shrugged. "You got me. I thought it was a myth."

Nate sighed. "Awesome. Well, let's see if we can find anything about a Phoenix."

They started reading through books and Holly let out an excited shriek as Dean said, "Guys. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, check this out." He and Holly joined the other three at a table as he read. ""March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash.""

"Really?" Sam asked. "Whose gun?"

"Colt's." Holly smirked.

"Colt? Colt like--"

"Like the Colt."

"From..." Dean held up a book and grinned. "...Samuel Colt's journal."

"What?!" Sam cried, grinning. "That's his?"


"Dude, no."

"Dude, yes."

Sam grabbed for the book. "Well, let me see it."

Holly swatted his hand away. "Get your own. That goes for you too, Natie."

Bobby raised an eyebrow. "Well, what else did he say about the Phoenix? What does it look like? Has it got feathers?"

Dean shook his head. "It just says "Phoenix"."

"Did he say where he tracked it?"


"Alright, so I guess we got to find one of our own, whatever it is." Sam replied.

Dean smirked. "H and I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch."

Sam shrugged and Bobby said, "I only watched "Deep Space Nine"."

Holly's eyes widened. "D and I officially don't know you guys anymore. "Star Trek IV", you know, save the whales."

Sam and Bobby shrugged and Nate frowned. "Seriously? DS9 is great, but you're missing some great stuff."

Dean changed the subject. "We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the Phoenix, and then we haul the ashes back home with us."

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