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Sliding her white blouse down her arm, you buried your face in between her breasts. Slowly, your hands roam free all over her body until you reach out to unhook her beige brassiere.

It was there that she stopped you, breaking the silence with a bizarre comment. "Y/n, we only have a while before lunch is over," she said quietly close to your ear, making you smirk.

"So? If you had something to do, you should have thought about it before getting me in this situation," you whispered back, planting small kisses on her neck, but that was all you could have done before she aggressively kissed you.

It was a long one that not until you felt your back against the couch, you realised she was already on top of you. Her hand ran down your chest then started to unbutton your white shirt as you waited desperately. It was just one of her many ways to tease you... you wait.

"Yn," she said quietly, her hand now leaving your undone shirt to your belt, before she locked her eyes with yours, "I mean it, you are not not going nowhere until I'm done with you."

The desperate need in your eyes made her smirk. There is this need in her to see and feel that you need her. No matter what it is, you need her. She cares less what anyone would think, once it's all for the better to keep you close and controlled.

But nothing that was going through her mind that you don't know hid the hunger she had in eyes. That lust that can be reflected in her eyes as she lower her face down in between your thighs.

Your eyes widened as you saw her slowly wrap her blue lips around the head immediately getting a surprised gasp from you. You didn't understand one thing that was happening: why did you get tense all of a sudden?

"I told you, Y/n isn't coming. He's probably eating with Kirari," Mary hissed as she sat back, "he wouldn't leave her a second not even if gold was offered for him to do so."

"He'll come, I'm sure," Ririka said, trying to always avoid Mary hot headed for small things, "we still got some time left."

"Yes, I'm sure he's still eating," Ryota added. Today he was feeling lonely and left out. His main companion is Yumeko, and with her absence, it was kind of difficult for him to find someone to tag along.

"Tsk, if Kirari wants, she stops him from coming. Why not? He does everything she tells him," Mary scoffed as she shook her head while crossing her arms.

"He must really love her, huh?" added Lina before she sighed, "Lucky her, not everyone gets a guy like that." Mary rolled her eyes at her comment, "For how long have they been together?"

Her question picked Mary's interest. Ever since she showed up she's been asking small questions revolving around Kirari and Y/n's relationship. Even if Lina tried to be discreet about her interest in them, Mary is no fool to not notice, "for sometime, who cares."

The anger exploded in the eyes of Mary, something that Lina was wanting to see. She wants to see that fire of hatred, for that's a sign she can use Mary to get to her goal even quicker. Her next objective is to draw Mary close to keep that fire growing, she can't let it die, before she reaches her goal. Saotome Mary, that's her weapon. She could feel it, this was not a step closer to her achievement, but she feels it..her revenge is closer.

"Despite everything, he still ended up with her," Mary murmured, causing Ririka to sigh at her comment.

"Mary," Ririka said quietly, making sure it's obvious to others that she is speaking only to Mary, "Kirari may be self-centred, but I'm sure her feelings for Y/n are sincere."

𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐈 | Kirari x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now