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"Y/n wins round 2 with 30 chips!"

"Impressive, Impressive," Sachiko grinned, "I think I already have you figured out. Why not let this last round be much more fun?"

"Oh, please do make it fun at least. You're such a boring gambler," You rested your face on your palm. It was boring ever since the gamble started, she made you yawn three to four times a round.

"Very cocky after 2 wins huh? Expected. People like you pride themselves after a little win," Sachiko smirked and pushed all her chips to the centre, "All in!"

"And you are trying to lick your wounds by saying such rubbish?" You sighed and turned down your cards, "I fold..."

"Hmmmmm?" Sachiko pulled back with a wide grin, "fold? Chicken out?"

"Not really, if I would have played..." You revealed your straight flush, "I would have won a bit too easily."

It was the first time you've seen a shocked expression from the woman in front of you, "H-how's that possible?"

"Huh? We're playing simple poker here, Sachiko-san..." You smirked, "so ready for the last round—"

"Nyahaha! Y/n-kun!!" Runa called out, causing you to look over at the girl were her usual orange rabbit kigurumi.

"Runa?" You raised a brow, "something the m–"

"Alright, you people! Get moving! The match's over!" Midari exclaimed, chasing the students surrounding your table away, "Get moving I said!"

"What's going on?" You frowned as Runa walked up to you.

"Sorry, Y/n-kun, the prez orders!" Runa said and shrugged.


Sachiko got up from her table and giggled, "I see what she did here. It's the first time she has reacted that way. That being said," Sachiko swayed over to you and lifted your head before she caressed the side of your face, "You certainly are her weakness. Cute. Very well," she pulled back and glanced back at you, "may our date continue some other time, yes?" With a seductive wink she finally walked away.

You sat there speechless until Runa spoke again. "UH– Y/n, the prez requested to see you.."

"Huh?" you blinked out of your thoughts and looked over at Runa, "who?"

"The prez, she's waiting on you," Runa said.

"Kirari?" you repeated quietly to yourself when you heard Yumeko behind you.

"AWW... why did they have to interrupt the gamble like that!" Yumeko pouted.

"Oh, Yumeko," you walked to Yumeko who snuggled into your arms almost immediately, "don't worry, we'll do that match soon. Why did you have to risk it all, huh?"

"Ryota and Mary have already scolded me enough," Yumeko pouted again, as you pulled her cheek playfully, "ouch."

"I need to go," you said, playing with Yumeko's bangs, "Kirari wants to see me."

"Oh," Yumeko pulled back from you.

"Ryota," You said as he got closer, "make sure no one dares to mistreat Yumeko." You said and gave Yumeko a smile before you walked away.

𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐈 | Kirari x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now