The Rebellion

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3rd POV

Tanjiro: N-Nezuko was here?! She was in this world!?

Bōkyaku: Yes. Your little sister was sent here. All of your friends, your senpais; they were all sent here.

With breaking news, Tanjiro was aghast. His little sister, his friends, his senpais were reborn in to this world.

Tanjiro: Why!? Why did you know them!?

Bōkyaku: I have live for a long time. After Yoriichi died, I fought against that thing and lost. But I was allow to live, but was force to serve under them. I was granted a pseudo-immortality to continue my service. I watch them when they walk the land; change the world. I was there when they fought them and lost.

Tanjiro: So you were they when they died... You were there when my close ones lost their lives. Did you help them kill my love ones?

Bōkyaku stay silent, confirming Tanjiro's inquiry.

Tanjiro: Then...

He puts on the fox mask and his mark on his forehead glow so bright that it melts the covered the mark.

Tanjiro: I'm going to beat you until you spill everything

Anbai POV

Bard: We need to push forward! This golden opportunity will defeat our oppressor!

Rebels: OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Every fighters of the Resistance charge forward towards Decarabians' tower.

An Bai: But what about Tanjiro!

Bartender: Tanjiro give us this opportunity to finally defeat our God! We won't let his sacrifice be in vain!

An Bai: But-

Bartender: You will be a liability! As you can see the destruction, Tanjiro is finely holding them down! We can't waste it!

The bartender follow the rebels, leaving An bai alone as she watch the destruction from Tanjiro's battle.

An Bai: Damn it...!

Frustrated of her uselessness, An Bai follow the Resistance, leaving Tanjiro to fight against Pandora's Box.

3rd POV

The Resistance of Mondstadt rush towards the gate of Decarabian's tower, only to be stop by the army of Mondstadt.

Commander: Holt! You rebels are under arrest for attempting a rebellion to our lord! Anyone who resist will be punish!

That was what the commander said until all the soldiers took out the emblems that mark them of as Decarabian's soldiers  and made a way for the rebels.

Commander: Screw that! I hate my job anyway! For the Rebellion!

Soldiers: For the Rebellion!

Everyone bust through the gates and enter his tower. They begin to split into groups to cover more ground and regroup to the entrance to Decarabian's throne room.

Another gate was force open and the people who live in the outskirt that face with Andrius blizzard, charge in, including the woman known as Gunnhildr.

Gunnhildr: We have join in this rebellion to defeat our oppressor! For the Wind Spirit!

Rebels: For the Wind Spirit!

Bartender: What the...

Bard: Just ignore it. At least we have more allies.

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