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3rd POV

After finishing eating their food, Tanjiro and An Bai leave the establishment and walk in the streets of Snezhnaya.

Tanjiro: An Bai.

An Bai: ?

Tanjiro: I've been wondering.

An Bai: Wondering about what?

Tanjiro: I might say it insensitively, but are their different races in Teyvat?

An Bai: Ah, you must be still learning about Teyvat. Yes, there are different races in Teyvat except humans. Each region have their own race intermingle with human society. I'll go talk about the main regions of Teyvat: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontain, Natlan, Snezhnaya, and Khaenri'ah.

Tanjiro: Then what race lives in Liyue?

An Bai: The race that lives in Liyue are the Adepti. Adepti's are illuminated beasts who are born by the blessing of Rex Lapis himself. Most of us are worship as deities and some believe they are from Celestia and return there once they die. Though I don't which one is the truth since I was born after the first Adepti was born.

Tanjiro: And how long was that?

An Bai: I don't know, but I think its when Rex Lapis became a God.

Tanjiro: And he never tell his story?

An Bai: No, no! Rex Lapis is the God of Liyue. He's like our creator and omnipotent. Though the other reason is that he's a bloodthirsty god who likes to battle; some call him a battle maniac.

Tanjiro: Wow.

Tanjiro: No wonder why he wanted to fight me...

An Bai: But we have our own culture. We do meditation, martial arts, rituals, vegetarian diets, becoming one with nature, offerings to Rex Lapis, chanting mantras or writing, bowing, and other stuff. We Adepti's also believe that nature, not humans, controls how thing change and that achieving enlightenment will ascend us to a higher plane.

Tanjiro: Isn't that Daoism and Buddhism?

Tanjiro: Is that so. The Adepti's have a diverse cultural belief and practices.

An Bai: Mhm, but I know some can be quite prideful.

Tanjiro: I'll remember that.

An Bai: Anyway, in Mondstadt we went, they have what they are called, Spirit.

Tanjiro: Yokai?

An Bai: There's Yokai in Inazuma, but I'm talking about Mondstadt.

Tanjiro: Ah. My mistake. 

Tanjiro: I automatically think of Spirit as Yokai...

An Bai: Spirits in Mondstadt, are the personification of nature. Wind, lightning, rain, fire, earth, grass, all that stuff contributes to Spirits being nature itself.

Tanjiro: So people of Mondstadt believe that all of the natural phenomena are caused by Spirits?

An Bai: Mhm.

Tanjiro: Similar to Yokai's, but in my world, they are known to be mischievous or dangerous.

An Bai: They don't interact with a human civilization as their only objective is to preserve nature and destroy any that harms the ecosystem.

Tanjiro: What about humans? Humans need wood, stone, and other materials for homes, tools, machines, etc.

An Bai: They work it out by choosing a tree that has reach its lifespan and limit the amount of mining in caves to reduce to risk of angering the cave Spirits.

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