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This chapter will be the last update for this week for my other books.

Because I am having a hard time sleeping right now (literally slept for 3hrs and couldn't go back to sleep).

My whole body is soar and my head aches.

I'm going to take a break this week and hopefully get everything back in order.

Oh, and after the Snezhnaya trip, there will be a timeskip since I decided that Tanjiro in the past is going stale since I'm running out of ideas.


3rd POV

Tanjiro: So Anbai.

An Bai: Hm?

Tanjiro: Did you where this road leads to?

An Bai: If I remember, this road leads all the way to the north; where the ice country: Snezhnaya lies.

Tanjiro: Snezhnaya?

An Bai: It's known for its cold climate and species that lived there. The temperature there is around negative-five degrees celsius and the animals that live in the cold environment are extremely hostile.

Tanjiro: Then why did the god and their people decided to settle there?

An Bai: I think in my opinion, it's terrain and weather that the god and the people can use in their advantage, and fertile soil.

Tanjiro: Terrain and weather advantage, and fertile soil?

An Bai: Yea. I heard that the soil there is so fertile that it is one of the nations that is supporting the worlds' total food reserve.

Tanjiro: Wow! That's amazing if their one of the nations that support the worlds' food reserve.

An Bai: Mhm. The amount of food they can produce is immaculate, but they are also known for their military.

Tanjiro: Their military? I'm guessing the god that rules Snezhnaya has a powerful army.

An Bai: Powerful military force with the up to date weapons and machinery. But not advance like Khaenri'ah, those guys are built different.

Tanjiro: What's the different between Snezhnaya's military power and other nations?

An Bai: The difference is that they aren't afraid of death. Since the environment there in is a place where you can die easily: Frostbite, animals, falling, etcetera. Their well-train muscle that can carry boulders with two hands. And their ability to adapt and react. The problem in the military though is the gear and foreign environment. Since most of their gear will be wool and leather, when facing in a swampy or desert environment, they will be quickly taken out because of the shaky terrain and hot temperature.

Tanjiro: I see... then I can see why the city in the north is not competing for the throne a lot. Because her soldiers will be decimated if the environment and weather is not in their favor.

An Bai: Mhm. That's why she's mostly on the side lines, watching the others duke out. But another reason is that she is the goddess of love.

Tanjiro: Goddess of love?

An Bai: Mhm. I heard that she is the goddess of love. Since she is love itself, she love her people and everyone. She view everyone in Snezhnaya as her children, and people from other nations as people who lack her support.

Tanjiro: But what happens if the god orders their followers to attack her?

An Bai: Then she will immediately kill the god first then grant them mercy. She will give them two choices: Live in her city, or live in another nation will supply for their travels.

Tanjiro: Wow! She sounds like a nice goddess.

An Bai: Yea... but I heard that she is quite obsessive.

Tanjiro: Obsessive?

An Bai: Mhm. I heard that there was one man that caught her eyes that made her obsess with that man.

Tanjiro: What happen to him...?

An Bai: I heard that he committed suicide to escape her obsession.

Tanjiro: Oh...

Tanjiro: I think there is a word for it... Yandere?

An Bai: Anyway, she repent by creating a flower named after him.

Tanjiro: I see... but it is still tragic.

An Bai: Yea. It was kinda tragic since it cost the man's life to escape her. I don't know what caused him to commit suicide, but it must've been bad.

They continue following the road for a week; eating bread Tanjiro made somehow, drinking water from his technique, and sightseeing.

Tanjiro: So this is Snezhnaya... Brrrrr is it cold.

An Bai: Yea... it's cold alright.

Tanjiro and An Bai have arrived in the entrance of Snezhnaya.

An Bai: But reminder: If she caught interested in you, run.

Tanjiro: Ok.

They take their first step in the city of Snezhnaya.


This chapter is shorter than the rest due to my lack of sleep and writer energy.

As you have read on the top, I slept for 3 hours.

Yes, 3 hours and I couldn't fall asleep.

Me going back to sleep is getting harder and my sleep time is getting shorter.

Monday-Tuesday is the day I slept the most (Monday 9 hours, Tuesday 11 hours).

But Wednesday-Thursday, I slept the least (Wednesday 5 hours, and now Thursday with 3 hours).

I can feel my body being affect by the lack of sleep, body soar, head aching, eyes hurting.

I pray today I can get a good sleep because I really need it.

That's it for me.

I'm tired and I'll see you next week.


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