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Tsaritsa: Give me your love, Tanjiro!

Tsaritsa lets out a barrage of icicle showers towards Tanjiro, but Tanjiro effortlessly parries them without leaving sight on her.

Tanjiro dash towards the Tsaritsa as quickly creates multiple icicle soldiers to block him. Tanjiro cut them down without slowing down.

The image of a dragon chomping on them one by one sends shivers to Tsaritsa's spine.

Tsaritsa: Oh, this feeling... Show me more and more of yourself! I want to give my love to your fullest!

She touch the ground and ice quickly covers the field. Losing friction, Tanjiro skid through the ice as tendrils shot towards him.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura: Burning Bones, Summer Sun.

Tanjiro performs a singular utilizing a spiral motion that extends in front of him, slashing all of them.

Tanjiro's feet begin to melt the ice beneath them, creating friction for him to move. All the cells in his body are going crazy as he direct his energy to his footing.

The Tsaritsa lets out a singular beam of ice from her mouth as a jaw of dragon appears. The intensity of the beam hardens the ice so much that icebergs began to form.

Tanjiro changes the position of his hands and deflects the beam of ice  towards the stratosphere as he continue to march on.

The Tsaritsa quickly change tactics and summon meteors made of ice from space  and launch them towards Tanjiro who quickly dodges all with the technique from the footwork of Water Breathing: Ninth Form.

Every breath he exhales, solar flares erupts. His cells are in a state that it is actualizing the plasma that make the sun. Because of this state, his cells are constantly dying and reborn that any normal human or god who goes into this state will be instantly be incinerated from their own body's generation of chemical reaction in under a minute.

But because of his constitution and his ancestor continuous and tireless work to perform the First Demon Slayer Sun Breathing, plus his divine status, allow his body to continue creating chemical reaction in his body to generate a lot of energy.

His muscles bugles, his bones hardens like diamond, his lungs and heart efficiency increased beyond human standard, his nose sensitivity to the max. With his nose and his eyes seeing clearer than the horizon, what he seeing is almost like the Transparent World and foresight combined.

Tanjiro dodges another attack from Tsaritsa without breaking a sweat as he continue charging towards her. He can see her every move, he can see the flow of energy where the Tsaritsa will actualize her attack.

Tanjiro parries another attack as he got closer to her.

Tsaritsa: Impossible...! The strongest warrior I know of is Morax, but to see what he is unleashing is the zenith of all warriors!

Tanjiro was at distance that he can slice her neck. The Tsaritsa quickly creates a claw and blocks Tanjiro's attack as both continue to move in the battlefield.

Their attacks turns the environment into a wasteland where life cannot live. All life near the battle fled because of their instinct.

As their battle continues to rage on, it attracts all divine beings to watch them. And the one to watch them is the Divine Principle.

She look at Tanjiro with fear in her eyes as she continue watching him.

Bōkyaku: We are fully prepared, Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.

Asmoday: Good. When the battle is over, we will finish him.

Bōkyaku: As you wish.

The battle continues to rage on until both parties look at each other from a distance.

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