Sun Breathing

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3rd POV

(The ost for the fight that I forgot to add last chapter).

Tanjiro take his stance and dash towards Morax

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura...

Solar flare ignites Tanjiro's blade.

Morax: !

Tanjiro: Solar Heat Haze!

Morax parried it with his spear, but noticed that they disappear.

Morax: What happened!? His sword disappear-!


Multiple cuts appear over Morax body.

Morax: !

Morax quickly stomped the ground, creating a shockwave, pushing Tanjiro away from him.

Morax: What was that!? His blade pass through my spear, but how did I got cut!?

Morax quickly scan his surround to identify the cause.

Morax: Where is it coming from!?

After scanning his surrounding, he can only conclude one answer.

Morax: His blade didn't disappear! His skills made it look disappear, allowing him to deal damage to me!

After discovering Tanjiro's skill, Morax instinct went overdrive.

Morax: I can only rely on my instincts! I have to use all my five sense!

Morax observe Tanjiro, waiting for him to make his move

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura...

Tanjiro stance change.

Morax: It's coming!

Tanjiro: Flame Dance!

Tanjiro charge forward with his sword in a vertical stance.

Morax parry the blow, creating a boom after contact, shaking the air around them.

Then Tanjiro quickly change his position for a horizontal slash.

Morax quickly parried with quick reflex.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura...

Morax: Quake!

Morax slam his spear to the ground, creating a shockwave full of geo energy.

Tanjiro: Sunflower Thrust!

With light speed, Tanjiro thrust his blade towards Morax.


Morax barely dodged it as his face was cut. Blood come out, covering his left cheek in blood.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura...!

Morax: I won't let you!

Morax thrust his spear at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Fake Rainbow!

Morax spear pass through Tanjiro.

Morax: Afterimage!

His instinct kicked in and barely dodge Tanjiro's blade from aiming his head, avoiding a vital hit. His neck bleed from the shallow cut.

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