Aether's Journey

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Aether: I'm surprised that even though you float, you can't swim.

Paimon: Floating and swimming are different! I was just that I drop to the water because I was really hungry.

Aether: Yea, yea, yea; here's a cook cod.

Paimon: Thank you!

In beach, Aether and Paimon are eating the cooked cod Aether made. 

Paimon: So, you're different world that travel to Teyvat?

Aether: Yea. I'm a traveler who went to this world with my sister. But, when we tried to leave, we were barge by an unknown god.

Paimon: And this unknown god beat the two of you and separate you two. In the process, your powers were sealed and some of your memories are fuzzy.

Aether: Mhm. I don't know how many years ago that was, but my only goal right now is to find my sister, Lumine. I'll be your guide in Teyvat.

Paimon: Well, you saved Paimon, so, Paimon will help you find your sister.

Aether: Thank you, Paimon.

Aether look at the sea with a smile.

Paimon: Well, we should get going. Can't wait here if we're going to look for your sister.

Aether: Yea, let's go.

Aether stands up from the rock he was sitting on and together, they leave their campsite and head towards a hill.

They walk on the hill until they reach a cliff that shows the beautiful land of Teyvat and a city on the horizon.

Paimon: Hey, look! 

Paimon points to a riverbed where a statue lies.

Paimon: That's a statue of one of the Seven!

Aether: Statue of one of the Seven?

Paimon: Yea! They're the Archons who rule and govern the seven elements of Teyvat! There are few of these statues all across Teyvat to show the Seven's protection over these lands.

Aether: Is that so...

Paimon: Well, that statue down there is the god of wind. Basically, the Anemo Archon.

Aether: What happens if I touch it?

Paimon: I don't know. Paimon doesn't know what happens if you touch one of the Seven's statue. Only know Paimon felt is relief.

Aether: Well, I was thinking if I get it, I get to say "Wind Blade!"

Paimon: Eh? Well, let's go down there and try it out.

Aether: Ok.

The duo climb down from the cliff and head towards the statue. They walk there till they reach at the statue.

Aether felt something weird, like his mind and body is telling him to touch the statue. Following that weird feeling, he touch the statue and the statue began to glow. Soon, an orb of Anemo forms in the statues hand and fly towards Aether and enter his body. Suddenly, Aether felt one of the world's elements: wind.

Paimon: Woah...! Did you feel the elements of the world?! You touch the statue and you acquire the element of Anemo! Aether, you're quite special since many people of this world can not hold the power easily as you.

Aether: Are the elements hard to get?

Paimon: Hard is an understatement. It's rare for a person to feel and hold the elements of the world. Only a few can wield the natural phenomenons of Teyvat. The way to know someone have this power are the Vision.

Aether: Vision?

Paimon: Divine construct sent from Celestia to the mortal world to those who have the power to wield the seven elements and become a god. These Visions are rare and are hard to activate.

Aether: Since I don't have a Vision on me, won't the people be suspicious? After all, I'm a...

Paimon: Don't finish that sentence. It's a bit rude to say about the power of the gods given to you. If we head towards West, we can reach the city of Mondstadt, the City of Freedom.

Aether: The City of Freedom...

Paimon: It's the city that worship the Anemo Archon. Since you got the power of Anemo, maybe the people can help you. Also, there's a lot of bars in there, so maybe one of them heard the news about your sister.

Aether: Then, let's go to Mondstadt.

Paimon: Let's move then!

They left the riverbed (while also killing the pyro slime near the statue) and head towards Mondstadt. While walking there, they notice the sun was block and look up to see a dragon flying above them and head towards a forest.

Paimon: W-what was that!? That creature was huge, it block the sky! It's heading towards the heart of the forest. We must proceed with caution since we don't know what it is.

Aether: It's a dragon... How does she not know what a dragon is?

The duo go a detour and head into the forest and cautiously walk until they see a clearing. In the middle of the forest, the dragon was kneeling in front of a bard who's hands were outstretched.

???: ...Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back.

Paimon: Is he talking... to a dragon?

Suddenly, the Anemo element respond, shocking Aether, the dragon, and bard. The dragon roar at the bard and swing its claw at her?

???: Who's there!

The dragon lift itself from the ground and fly away, leaving the bard alone in the forest with Paimon and Aether.

Seeing that the dragon is leaving, the bard then disappear in a pillar of light, leaving Paimon and Aether in the forest alone.

Paimon: That was close! Paimon was going to be fly away! What was that?

Aether: I don't know.

Paimon: Hey, what's that! Let's get a closer look.

They walk where Paimon pointed and stop to see a floating crimson crystal.\

Paimon: Paimon never seen this before. My senses are telling me that it is dangerous.

Aether cautiously grab it and put it in their pocket. They exit the forest and before they can head towards Mondstadt, they were stopped by a voice.

???: Stop right there!

The duo stop and turn around to see a woman with dark brown hair with golden eyes and wearing a red jacket and white undershirt kept in place with a jumper an brown leather shorts. Her noticeable feature is her red bow that ties her dark brown hair. She jump off the cliff while the duo look at her in amazement and landed on the ground with no injuries. She turn and look at Paimon and Aether with a serious face.

Amber: May the Anemo Archon protect you, strangers. I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius.

Thus, begins the prologue of Aether's journey in Teyvat with his floating companion and guide, Paimon.

In the forest where Paimon, Aether, the bard, and dragon was, a knight fully armored head to toe stands there.

They sniff in the air and see the divine aura of wind lingering in the air.

???: Barbatos has return... Looks like something is serious happening in Mondstadt. Since I am the Vassal of the Anemo Archon, it is my duty to protect Mondstadt from any danger that imposes it.

Wind blows the forest as the knight disappear into the wind, leaving no traces of himself.

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