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The monster and its minions charge at Aether and Sirin with intent to kill.

Sirin smirk as she snap her fingers and two thunderbolts hit the humanoid monsters, instantly turning them into ashes.

Paimon: Holy guacamole! Two attacks and there were instantly one shotted!

Sirin: Witness the power I control! You are facing the Sirin Gottwald, daughter of the best papa and momma in the world, and the Empress of Mondstadt.

The monster look at her with the "what the fuck face" and both Aether and Paimon made that same face as well.

Sirin: Now, I will strike you down until not even your bones remain!

Sirin summon more thunderbolts at the monster. The monster didn't have time to dodge due to its large build and armor, and Sirin's attack hits.

Frigid Prowler: Aaaargh!

The attack was super effective. Seeing that Electro element is effective, Aether charge in and land in several attacks in, injuring the monster more. The monster slam its fist down where Aether is, but Aether dodge and regroup with Sirin.

The monster charge at them with its saw brandished. Aether move to avoid the charge and Sirin fly above the direction of the charge, missing the two.

Paimon: She can fly!?

Sirin: Of course I can fly! How can the Empress of Mondstadt allows herself to be in the same level as mongrels that walk on the land!

Aether: For some reason, she reminds me of a guy with golden armor.

Aether can figuratively hear the same laugh of that Archer Servant.

The monster summon a barrage of ice towards Sirin who avoids the attack and launch another thunderbolt that hits the monster directly in the chest.

Electricity flows into the monster, letting out a howl of pain before falling to the ground, but not dead.

Sirin: Mongrel! Use this chance to attack that lowly beast!

Aether: Roger!

Aether charges in and thrust his dull sword into the chest of the monster, piercing the frozen armor. The monster let out a roar as the monster reach for Aether, but Aether jumps back and goes into his stance again as the monster looks at them out of breath.

The monster opens multiple gates and more humanoid monsters appear. All of them charge at them in hordes as Aether and Paimon watch in horror.

Paimon: We can't deal with all of them! That's too many!

Aether: I don't think my skill and ultimate can clear them out with my element not effective against these guys.

Sirin: Then, let me deal with puny monsters who stands in the way of the Empress!

Hovering above them, Sirin eyes glow as electricity began to flow and controlled by her.

All the monsters stop and slowly back away in fear as Sirin charge her attack.

Paimon: What the heck is going on!?

Aether: She... she's manipulating the electromagnetism in the area.

Paimon: The electro-what?

Aether: Electromagnetism is the very fundamental law in physics. She's manipulating the electric currents or fields of magnetic fields to literally bend the laws of physics right in our very eyes.

Paimon: Um, why is it important?

Aether: Because almost everything- including light itself- is made up of electromagnetism. Basically, it makes up the universe itself and controlling is already omnipotent enough. To think she's at the level were she can manipulate it with just Electro element.

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