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Third Person's Point of View

"Did you sleep well?"

Finally, a familiar voice rang in Jeno's ear. He has been waiting for minutes only to be greeted by the same woman who, this time, wore casual sleeping clothes. Jeno frowned at the sight.

"Oh, right." She scratched the back of her head. "Just woke up, didn't have time to wash up and put makeup like yesterday, god I looked hot, didn't I? Almost married myself there—uh fuck, I'm blabbing again, aren't I?"

"You're a peculiar one. You have a knack of making people confused." Jeno smirked in annoyance. The woman only gave her an unapologetic smile and sat beside him.

"So?" She asked with curious eyes.

"Easy there, woman. Why are you in a hurry? Seems like you want something."

"That's exactly the reason why I came to you. Didn't know an underboss could be this dumb-"

With not another word she was grabbed by the collar by Jeno's hand. His big arms overpowered her weight, but he was even more infuriated when the woman only gave her the same confident smile.

"You're strong, I admit. But you lack awareness." Jeno was confused at first but when he felt a stinging pain on his neck, he noticed the woman had a small yet sharp knife right under his jaw. "Hurt me again and you're dead." She deadpanned.

"Kill me, and I will make sure that you die a slow and painful death. My people are not to be messed of."

She offered a smile. "I'll release first then." Slowly, she pulled her arm closer and placed the knife in her pocket. Jeno did the same and stepped back, but neither let go of their guards.

Their eyes were twinkling with a thirst for a fight.

They locked their eyes until finally Jeno made the first move. He threw a punch only for him to miss. The girl was now behind him, she kicked him right in the back causing Jeno to groan and stumble on the tables and chairs. The customers right beside them started running away and screaming in fright.

Jeno stood up quickly, this time, with darkened gaze. He charged forward and landed a punch on her stomach, she anticipated it and tried to react but failed. Her back landed on a wall as she whimpered in pain, considering how big Jeno was.

She was angry too.

She stood and lifted a wooden chair that easily broke as it made impact with Jeno's body. She picked up the broken pieces and used it as a weapon. Jeno saw what she was planning and did the same. They stood in front of each other holding long pieces of wood. Jeno was the first to attack, but this was her forte, sword fighting. As soon as Jeno realized that his attacks were useless he backed a little and anticipated her attack, and she did.

Jeno was hit several times, he didn't expect how fast she would move. It was as if her life has only been dedicated for this moment.

"There's many other ways to talk, you know?" She said, still attacking Jeno. Jeno continuously groaned in pain as he was being continuously hit. "Come on, you'll only hurt yourself!" She yelled in between the fight.

When he finally was able to dodge her attack he immediately used the opportunity to grab her by the hand, causing the girl to let go of the wooden weapon. Jeno twisted her arm and pushed her strong enough for her to feel the cold cement of the wall on her back. She rested her body on the wall as blood dripped from her head, only seconds pass by when she was left unconscious.

Jeno frowned—how can she be knocked out that fast?

Jeno grabbed his coat placed on his seat and walked away from it. He stopped by the woman and smirked before finally turning his back. But as soon as he walked he immediately tripped.

"You thought you could kill me?" She laughed.

Jeno closed his eyes and sighed in annoyance. He stood up and dusted off the dirt on his hands and shirt. "I must say, you're good at this."

"Why else would I force myself in Sueño?"

"You're annoying," He stopped for a bit and looked at her from up to down. "And a mess. But surely, I can use you." He scoffed before letting words out his mouth, "I can't believe I'm saying this..."

Jeno had a blank expression plastered on his face. The girl had her eyebrows lifted waiting for another word to come out his mouth.

"You're in."


"Where exactly are we going?" She asked looking around the city Jeno was driving in.

"Shut up and put your seatbelt."

Jeez, such a douche.

"Name?" Jeno asked.

"I don't do names." The girl said and pulled out an ointment from her pocket for occasions like this—well, you know, like 'badly beaten up' occasions.

"How am I supposed to call you then?"

"Not my problem." She whispered loud enough for Jeno to hear. Of course it was intentional. She was that kind of girl.

"Okay, bitch."

She scoffed but then hissed when the ointment touched her open wound. "See what you did."

"Was only testing you." Jeno shortly replied.

"I thought I was going to get bored, but at least you're good. It was fun." She chuckled. "Also, I hate being called a 'bitch' the people around me already did. It's no fun."

"I guess the people around you hate you too. You're a big pain in the ass."

She gave a faint smile. "You know what, call me Eight."

"Like the number?"

"Like the number."

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now